
In sport, i.e. rugby/cricket, why do the coach and/or captain get dismissed if the teams don't perform?

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In sport, i.e. rugby/cricket, why do the coach and/or captain get dismissed if the teams don't perform?




  1. well the captain has to implement the tactics of the coach. if the tactics are c**p...good luck. all i know is thank god eddie o sullivan left!

  2. Because its an easy target, the captain or a coach are the two people who take the responsibility of the team, and they take the credit if the team are doing well.

    These two people are meant to be lifting the players, making them play to there full potential

  3. The coach lives or dies by his selections, and the Captain is

    in theory supposed to impart the Coach's game plans or use his own  initiative to see his team through. Sometimes the Coach and Captain are made the scapegoats for not winning, and it can have an negative impact on the team.

  4. Because....everyone likes a W I N N E R of course and someone's gotta take the fall as a scapegoat for loooooooooooosin.!

  5. Who's job is it to employ the right tactics, motivate the players & make the most of the players?

    Many times in rugby and football, I've seen team underperform (in my opinion). Following a change in management, the players shine, and excel.

    Perfect examples are:

    Wales winning the grandslam this year

    Swansea City AFC...Kenny Jackett left..Martinez came in and made a complete turn around.

  6. You can't sack the whole team.

    The board won't sack themselves.

    So, who's left?  Manager and Captain.

  7. they dont wait all day soo they want the team to pay it later on by being bench or something else!


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