
In sports like boxing/ ufc ect ect, how do they calculate ur reach ?

by  |  earlier

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Also at wat age do ur arms stop growing, i herd they stop growign at an early age but the rest of ur body catches up later, becuz i was hoping to maybe be able to estimate my adult hieght with it




  1. its measured from the armpit to the end of the fist

  2. Your reach is measured up and over your shoulders, from finger tip to finger tip with arms outstretched.

    Hope this helps you out!

    OK guys, you all think I'm wrong eh???

    The average reach is what 76-80 inches right??? If you are measureing from the armpit to the fist that is one long arm!!!!! LMAO, you are getting a little confused, that is called arm length....kinda makes sense me thinks!!! Please read the questions properly before incorrectly answering!!!

    Reach is measured fingertip to fingertip, arms outstretched to each side, like a crucifix...........please, a 28 inch reach is pretty small don't you think? HAHA, LMAO!!!

  3. They really no way of knowing exactly how tall you're going to be, just by your arm measurement. One of my cousins and I are the same height, but our arm lengths are completely different. My arms, from armpit to fingertips, are 30 inches long, but my cousin's length is 26 inches. Both of us are adults now and we are both 5'11".

  4. C'mon, guys, use your heads.

    Reach is calculated like this:

    Extend your arms out to the sides, shoulder level, fingers outstretced.

    Measure - fingertip to fingertip.

    If it were armpit to fist, each arm would be longer than your entire body. We're humans, not gibbons.

  5. from beneath the shoulder just before your pit till the end of your hand while in a fist. as for growing... it's slightly diferent for everyone

  6. Your reach is measured from your armpit to the end of a close fist.

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