
In state of CA, if you have a conviction 7 years or more, are employers suppose to ignore it? ?

by  |  earlier

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I wanted to know for sure if, an excerpt I read about CA employment law was true. It stated that if you have a conviction 7 years old or more then employers are not supposed to be able to use it against you in a hiring decision. Is this true and is there anyone who's had a conviction in CA got a job based on that statue?




  1. As long as they're not, not hiring you based on s*x, race religion or any of the other "protected", companies can do as they wish.

  2. I don't believe that is true. Most employment in California is at-will, which means they don't even have to give you a reason for hiring or firing.

    I just looked it up, and the law that I believe you are thinking about says that criminal convictions can't be reported to employers by outside investigating agencies after seven years. However, if they ask you and you lie about it, and they find out later, then they could fire you for lying on your application. There are also exceptions to this law for certain types of employment, such as working in elder care institutions. Here is a detailed description of background checks in California:

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