
In straight pool, do you win if you sink the 8 ball on break even if other balls fall?

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In straight pool, do you win if you sink the 8 ball on break even if other balls fall?




  1. In any bar, if you sink the 8 ball on the break, it is game over, and you have won is up (unless your opponent was a biker who just waited an hour to play and then you're dead).

  2. Straight pool is not 8 ball.  Straight pool or 14 &1 as it is also called is played with the intent to leave your opponent with no shot if u don't.  On the break shot 2 balls must be driven to the rail and you must call each shot exactly as u intend to play it.  The 8 ball is just another ball to be made on the way to 150 or whatever the  match is. There are safeties which have to be called, where 1 ball is driven to a rail  or it's a scratch. Solids and stripes can be shot at any time.  The reason it is known as 14 & 1 is that 14 balls from a rack of 15 are pocketed and the 15th is the one used to break up the 14 previously pocketed balls which have been re-racked to continue the game. 14 pocketed balls and 1 to pocket and at the same time break the pack.  It is possible that a player may be in a match and not get to the table because the opponent has made150 balls in succession. There is no blind break as in 8 ball.

  3. In straight pool you do not win if you sink the 8 ball on the break. In the game of 8 ball it can be a win or a loss depending on what rules you are playing under. Always check the rules before you begin.

  4. no object of straight pool is to get to certain number of point (balls down)  no have an object of certain ball down.  i believe u wanting 8-ball which if u get 8 on break in most places its rerack or spot (shooter decides)  some people play it as a win so decide before you play what it is.   when ever I'm playing someone new i always go through and discuss certain common house rules.  

    8 on the break

    ball in hand or in the kitchen

    calling shots or slop allowed

    then if any other discrepancy comes up try to come to an agreement or have a independent 3rd party (bartenders or waitress's both usually helpful.

  5. Yes, in 9 ball you win if you sink the 9 ball in on the break.

  6. yup.

  7. In straight pool the 8 ball is like any other ball, you don't lose, the object is to get up to a certain number before your opponent!.

    I like to wish my friends, a great New Year, full of health and happiness!.

  8. You sure do.  In the CPA league you also get an "8 off the break pin" when you do that.

  9. Yes as long as the white ball does not scratch.

  10. there are either some confused answers here or a confused question.

    if you are on about straight pool, then you don't win if you make the eight of the break. the eight is just like any other ball and not special in this game, and worth one point.

    besides, you dont try to make a ball of the break in straight pool. you just clip off the corner ball and come back up table leaving the white close to the rail.

    if you are on about eight ball, the game where you are either solids or stripes, then it depends on which set of rules you are playing. however if you are playing the rules where eight on a break is a win, then other balls going down as well never matters or makes any difference - it's still a win.

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