
In tae kwon do are you graded/tested for belts at you club or do you have to go somewhere else?

by  |  earlier

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Ive only just started tkd

I live in england




  1. i took my yellow ,green & blue belt at gym but for taking my red and black belt i had a test/exam that was held by tae kwon do committee.

  2. my instructor graded all of us. I study ITF taekwondo.

    the only scenario where you would need to go somewhere else is if you outgrade your instructor.

  3. I always took my tests at my gym, never anywhere else

  4. We have to go to the main academy to test, the grand master is the one who watches and grades us.

  5. You'll be tested by 4th degree black belt, if your instructor doesn't have 4th degree then he will make connection with some one who has it to come to your school and test you and the others at the same day ( group of students ). Probably your instructor knows about that, so why don't you ask him ? I'm sure he will tell you that.

    Good luck in your test

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