
In tennis is it legal to put more then one vibration dampener on? i have a LM4 Head racquet.?

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and it alreayd has a shockabsorber in it. but im also wondering if i can put two mroe shock absorbers on. one at the 9 o clock crosses and one at the 3 o clock crosses. and the people who think you cant put shock absorbers past the string "Case 3: Can vibration damping devices be placed on the strings of a racket?

If so, where can they be placed?

Decision: Yes, but these devices may only be placed outside the pattern of

the crossed strings." got that from

i'm wondering this because when i put those two on it really improved my game. thanks for reading




  1. I've never seen anyone with more than one, but I'm sure you can.

  2. I don't use them.

  3. I sometimes put on two, though I am far from a professional player or anything lol. Not too sure, and no one I have played with, or against as ever said anything regarding it. I dont see how the amount used should cause a problem. It is the palyers that dont use one that I wonder how they do it.

  4. I did not see anything in thew rule book that straight out says if it is legal or not, but I did come across this(you probably saw it as well)-

    "The strings shall be free of attached objects and protrusions other than those utilised solely and specifically to limit or prevent wear and tear or vibration. These objects and protrusions must be reasonable in size and placement for such purposes"

    A person may interpret having two vibration dampeners as unreasonable, but again, the rule book is not specific about it so I cannot give a definite yes or no answer.

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