
In tennis rackets, what does volcanic beam technology mean?

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In tennis rackets, what does volcanic beam technology mean?




  1. Simply buzzwords.  IT means nothing.  I would probably stay away from the racquet just because they said that about it to get people to buy it.

  2. Most new technologies are pretty much bogus.  If it's something as cryptic as "volcanic beam technology", it's probably nothing special.  Probably just means it was molded using molten metals or something.  

    Yeah.  The only way you know that a technology is "real" is if it sticks around.  Stuff like prince's triple threat weighting, or wilson's perimiter weighting are completely valid.  And there must be something to the O3 thing, because they keep using it.  It's stuff that kinda comes and goes just as quickly that's nothing.  Like the nCode technology?  Dropped the moment they came out with K-factor (which will probably disappear as soon as the next thing comes out).   Or Head's flexpoint technology.  Why don't they use it on any newer racquets?  Because it doesn't do enough to be worth it.

    So yeah, take these various technologies with a grain of salt.  If you don't really understand what it is, there's a good chance it's bogus.  If it makes sense from a physics standpoint (like PWS), it's real.

  3. Much like umbrellas with swords in the handle, this indicates that the racket can also fire a high powered laser beam which can melt through rock.

  4. just hi-fi terms companies use to wow us and make our wallets thinner.

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