
In terms of artistry, acting, direction, production - what do you think is the greatest movie of all time?

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I would say that Brokeback Mountain is the greatest but I am torn between 'Brokeback Mountain' and 'The Exorcist'.

I saw The Exorcist in 1973 when I was 13 and it wrecked me emotionally for several months and I saw Brokeback Mountain in 2006 when I was 46 and it wrecked me emotionally, too!

So: what is the greatest movie of all time - for you?





  1. Dr Zhivago

  2. For me personally, I am torn between the french film 'Amelie' and the all time classic, 'The sound of Music'.  I love Amelie for its simple charm and stunning visuals.  The Sound of Music is unquestionably one of the most magnificent movies in all of cinema--past and present.

  3. Forrest Gump. Granted it was based off a book but the screenplay is a thing of it's own. The acting was brilliant through major and minor rolls. Had every emotion flowing at a  pace that was perfect, due to good compilation of every aspect of filmmaking. Production wise, the shots weren't anything off the wall artistic but they portrayed things for what they were. It was both commercially and critically acclaimed and I watch it every time I see it's on.

  4. Don't know if there is one I would say is "best" of all time, but ones that stand out for various reasons are:

    Raise High The Red Lantern

    Babette's Feast


    But I'm A Cheerleader

    Star Trek Generations


    A Clockwork Orange

    Der Untergang (Downfall)

    Well, that's for starters, anyway !

    Cheers :-)

  5. I think that Schindler's List is the best overall film ever.

  6. Its a tough driver and robocop.

  7. 'Barry Lyndon', by Stanley Kubrick. It is both visually stunning and emotionally stirring. It just drips with elegant style. It is a wonderful story of an upstarts rise and fall. There is love, duels, a battle or two and much drama. It was criticize for it's slow pace but it really just adds to the mood, atmosphere and style. Every character is memorable. The score is amazing.

    It is a lengthy film but every time I finish watching it, I think to myself, "d**n, I could watch it again right now!"

  8. Donnie Darko- superb directing, acting and scenery.  And the plot really makes you think.

  9. i wanna say star wars so bad, im such a star wars geek.

    but seriously, i would say In My Fathers Den.

    its an amazing movie. the best film to come outta new zealand that ive seen.

  10. I;m sure I will think of more, but Lawrence of Arabia is a classic.  Then, if you ever get the chance to watch the movie, "All Quiet on the Western Front." fro 1931 watch it.  First movie to get the Academy Award for Best picture.  It is about WWI and points out the horrors of war long before anti-war movies were popular.  The soldiers come back for leave and don't fit in to society and go back to the front - with their friends.  It is "all quiet" when the last one dies, sticking their head up out of the trench unable to stand the pressure any longer.  It is STILL so relevant to modern war experiences.

  11. You may not be a movie buff, but I am. I've seen well over 600 movies of all genres, Classics, Drama, Horror, Thriller, Romance, Comedy, Indie, Anime, or otherwise. I adore movies, have had a Netflix account since I was 17, spent most of my childhood in my local Movie Gallery, and spend most of my nights catching up on the latest releases. I'm also currently trying to get hired at my local blockbuster. I love movies.

    And - don't laugh - the most technically PERFECT film I have ever seen is...

    Fellowship of the Ring.

    I know, you're going to say I'm silly it's dorky, etc, but in terms of the art of moviemaking, it is the penultimate. Much better edited than the other two, and with extremely steady acting from Wood, McKellan, Lee,  Mortenson - pretty much the entire (massive!) cast does a good job. Absolutely mind-blowing cinemetography. Terrific special effects. Perfect pacing, even at the 3 hour mark! A pitch-perfect balance between epic action and small-scale character development.

    And obviously, some of the best writing ever. Tense, loaded with emotion, and, of all things, INTERESTING EXPOSITION!

    I've seen many, many films, but this one tops them all in terms of technical brilliance. It also stands up to repeated viewings - I've probably seen it several dozen times, and it's still as good to me now as it was the first time.

    Close second is Casablanca. Very nearly a perfect movie. No joke.

  12. Robocop is the greatest movie ever.

    You can appreciate it as a dumb action movie, but it is also a vicious critique of modern capitalism and incredibly prophetic.  Who else would try to do this in an action movie?

  13. 'Psycho.'  It wrecked me emotionally and scared me sh*tless.

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