
In terms of pronunciation, which language is more beautiful? Italian , English or Mandarin Chinese?

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  1. I don't really see English as "beautiful" -- It's my native language, so I really don't think much of it at all.

    I like the sound of Mandarin Chinese, to me it sounds like a really intellectual language.

  2. i have all ways thought that Italian was the language of love. Don't get me me wrong, i don't speak Italian or understand it. i just love the way it sounds 'Chow'

  3. Italian is, But i do like chineese. prolly because they have s**y accents.

  4. I think Italian sounds most beautiful because of the letters used together to make pretty sounds =] (like bella, bellina, bellisima, etc)..Also I like the way your tongue rolls the r's hehe

  5. Of the three, Chinese is the only "tonal" language. You notice chinese voices rise and fall and these changes in tone are part of the word itself. In English, a change in tone merely changes the intonation, but not the word itself, but if you are not careful in Chinese and use the wrong tone, you may think you are saying "is this your mother" but you actually said something like "is your mother a horse?"

    The artistry of English is legendary though, with people like Chaucer, Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Tennyson, etc.

  6. Chinese --- > Mandarin

    it's a really funny language...


    I'm loving it


  7. The three of them, but I love English.

  8. Depends on the voice behind it.

  9. Italian....Their men are dead s**y.

  10. English

  11. the question is subjective.

  12. Portuguese (Brazilian). For a language that is very complex and tasty to listen.

  13. actually italian bellissima has double 's'.  if it only had 1 it would be pronounced bellizima. but the double 's' makes the familiar 'sssssss' sound. so belliSSima.

    also ciao is ciao, NOT chow, although it is pronounced that way.

    in italian:

    c + i and e = 'ch' as in cherry, (ciliegia in italian, pronounced cheelyejah)

    now you may think, well, if c + i and e makes a 'ch' sound, what does ch + i and e make?  it makes a 'k' sound as in 'chemistry' (in italian: chimica = keemeecah)

    qu + i or a, o etc. makes 'kwi' 'kwa', 'kwo' like in english: queen (in italian: regina, that is where you get the name = rehjeena)

    gh + i or e sounds like english: get. examples in italian: spaghetti, ghetto.

    other examples:

    i want to eat lasagna- voglio mangiare la lasagna (volyo manjareh lah lasanya)

    i take a ride on a gondola - faccio un giro in gondola (facho oon jeero een gondolah)

    i like ice cream - mi piace il gelato (mee peeache eel jelato)

    what time is it - che ora è (keh orah EH)

    don't ever leave me - non mi lasciare mai (non mee lashareh my)

    bruschetta (broosKetta)

  14. i think italian because it is known as a romantic language. but i think all languages are beautiful  

  15. Italian! It'll be that I'm Italian but it's true that Italian has a beautiful pronunce!!!

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