
In terms of pure entertainment value, who would make the better President?

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I'm thinking that watching The Chosen One flounder around for a few years while he grows his sea legs would make for some pretty rich entertainment. And that moll of his - she'd provide a WHOLE LOTTA entertainment value of her own! Sorta like two for the price of one. WAIT A MINUTE - haven't we already seen this show!?!?!

I certainly don't think that watching an adult like McCain would be much fun at all. He'll be regularly reminding us of inconvenient truths and everyone knows we just HATE politicians that do that. It's too much like having your mommy make you take cod liver oil, isn't it!

No, MUCH BETTER to elect The Chosen One because:

1 - We can indulge in childish nonsense all we want (change!, hope!, blah-blah!),

2 - We can FEEL good about ourselves for having elected him ("See, WE'RE not racists!"), and

3 - We will get to watch a guy in SO FAR over his head that we'll regularly be ROFLOAO. :-))

Hugs 'n Kisses!!! '08




  1. McCain,

    If we could get John McCain to record an album where he sings and butchering and slaughtering people, that would be a best seller for conservatives and be far more entertaining than Obama. Or we could have a weekly segment of America's Funniest Videos where John Mcain has some sort of incontinent moment or drool coming from his mouth, or yelling something at his wife, with the uncensored versions being great for DVD sales .

  2. You are right on!! I can't bear another Dog and Pony show!!! So I'm writing in Elmer Fudd!!! He has his own gun! He knows who the enemy is!!! He knows where to find the enemy!!! He is focused!!! He expects nothing from the people around him! And he is determined to rid the world of the vermin he sees as the enemy!!! What more could we possibly ask of our president???

  3. uhm ?! well you can vote for a new president

    and if we don't like him he will lose his job

    but you can't change the bad attitude of American people

    so who care who can be a good president

  4. congratulations on submitting the most bizarre question today. cannot really tell what you are saying, however.

  5. I would rather my president didn't get his experience while on the job, president is too important.

  6. I think Senator McCain would provide us with more laughs, but it's too bad that the Presidency is such a serious issue that we really can't elect Senator McCain just for laughs.

    I honestly think he is ready for retirement rather than running for the President of the United States.  We already have a nitwit why get someone who's already tired and seems at wit's end.  He reminds me of someone who's misplaced their hearing aid or glasses or keys.  Does he still drive?


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