
In terms of "dumbing down" society; what is the worst show on television?

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Me personnaly; I think its the Maury Povich show. What does everybody else think?




  1. "Dating" shows that involve 12 or so people living with one person of the opposite s*x for a month in hopes of finding "true love".

  2. Nightly news.

  3. Mind of Mencia-if they even still film that show.

    His black and white perception lacks substance.

  4. I agree that it started w/ the Simpsons, then there was Beevis and Butthead, now it is Family Guy, and American Dad.  All the "cartoons" that used to only cater to kids,  now seem to only promote individual importance, and dismisses politeness or manners as a meer joke, and a sign of weekness.

    I am all for humor I mean who doesn't enjoy a good laugh, and when I am sure that my kids are in bed, I too occasionally enjoy watching Familiy Guy and sometimes American Dad, but they are definately NOT for kids.  It just seems like "cartoons" should be ok for children to watch~ESPECIALLY those W/ names like American Dad, and Family Guy!   The first time I watched I was shocked at the content!  :0)  lol

    Yeah, show's like Jerry Springer too!

  5. Anything made in America. But mostly stupid "reality" programs like: The Hills, Maury, Steve Wilkos Show, anything that involves The Pussycat Dolls, etc.

    I yearn for a more civilised time where intelligence was promoted and if a female celebrity flashed her v****a in front of the world would she would be shunned by society.

    The extra sad part is that I am only 25 and I feel this way. Christ knows what the world will be like in another 50 years. And frankly, the thought frightens me a little.

  6. Jerry Springer by far.

  7. The Simpsons

  8. Any show that shows the FATHER/HUSBAND as a bumbling, incompetent fool.  And any show that shows the PARENTS in the same light. (E.G. Still Standing)

  9. To be honest the only TV I watch is the one attached to the DVD player to watch the movies or shows I know I like (Science movie, horror flicks, naughty stuff), But I have no cable.  Don't plan on it.

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