
In terms of rationality, what role does the ego play?

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In terms of rationality, what role does the ego play?




  1. it plays the role of controlling everything you do. It imposes its logic on the meaningless world. It instills meaning in that which has none.

  2. the ego is capable of a great amount of rationality . .  . which does not, of course, imply that  it uses logic.

    The strength of an ego is directly proportionate to it's will to survive. The more it is challenged (figuratively if not overtly) the more it "rationalizes" it's method of control, and the greater the effort it puts forth.

  3. Ayn Rand disliked Freud for good reasons, but I like his description of the ego as the "executive" of the faculty of reason. As the executive, it must act like any good executive and do what is "right" eg moral, ethical, legal, and most beneficial to the "company," i.e., the person who owns the ego.

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