
In thailand with no money

by Guest45074  |  earlier

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In thailand with no money




  1. me to.

  2. Ask your girlfriend for a sub,i here she's worth a few bob.

  3. Put on some makeup, buy a dress, and git yer ars* down to Beach Road in Pattaya...

    I should mention that this is a last resort...

  4. If you really have no money, seek shelter at a temple (talk to the abbot to tell him your plight and request permission to stay as a layperson), request some money be wired out (i.e. Western Union) so that you can get a plane ticket home - start emailing family, friends, calling your bank / credit cards etc to see if someone will loan you the money. Thailand's not a great place to be without any money, there's not a great deal of social support for farang so it's worth heading home and saving up again if you want to come back out. Whatever you do don't overstay your visa. That's asking for trouble!

  5. Offer yourself at a local bar

  6. Sorry about that mate

  7. Get a job

  8. No money no honey!

    Check with your embassy, they may have funds to send you back home and you reimburse your government at a later date.  

  9. That`s what happens when you enjoy yourself too much!

  10. sucks to be you!

    let me guess, your Thai gf dumped you as soon as the money was gone...

  11. If you are english speaking ..or have noledge of other language..maybe try apply for sell or translator jobs. Selling tour or part time teaching are possible.

  12. NO money? Wow. For sure get someone from home to wire some cash. That's the only way. Hopefully you have a return ticket and a valid visa.

    Make friends and couch surf, then get someone to get you home as soon as possible. Then plan ahead better for your next holiday.

    Sorry if it's harsh, but Thailand is not a magic place where all broke people can backpack in and be taken care of. It kind of makes the rest of the farang that plan well look bad, because this sort of no money/no visa what to do? stuff happens too much.

    If you were robbed, that's different. But good luck getting home.

  13. I'm thinking of the movie "Treasure of the Sierra Madre."

    Humphrey Bogart pan handling on Sukhumvit Soi 3 in front of Starbucks,"Say mister, can you you help a fellow American down on his luck?"

  14. slap on a dress, some makeup, and high heels- get a job at the ladyboy cabaret.

  15. phone home!!

  16. What is your question?

  17. go to a bank and ask for a loan?

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