
In the 2004 Presidential debates, George W Bush said?

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that abortion was between a woman, her Pastor, and her God. (sounds pro-choice to me)

When asked his view , John Kerry answered with a virtual identical response. However, John Kerry was labeled as a Liberal baby killer and Bush was labeled as a champion of pro-life. How is that even possible?????




  1. It's possible because the Cons stink at Foreign Policy, Domestic Policy, and just about everything else that has to do with running the country. Unfortunately, the one thing they're Good at is lying and twisting facts to make them appear like a bed of roses when in reality they are a steaming pile of s**t!!

  2. I just went through the transcripts from the 2004 presidential debates (they are available online) and cannot find the statement you attribute to George Bush. Can you post a link please?

    I did find this though:

  3. the right wing, corporate media didn't want kerry to win.

  4. You know It  is all about who is writing up what was said. and how much they like the person...*-* sad but true.

  5. What kind of church has a pastor who knocks up women in the congregation?

  6. Republicans have a great population to propagandize to. I think the biggest downfall of American education is not the math and sciences especially but the lack of education about political science.

  7. Hypocrisy and a double standard as applied to liberal candidates

  8. You ask a very good question, that I have asked many times. How is it the liberal press state a quote like that, and leave out his other quotes that say he is against abortion, is beyond me. I also have never been able to figure out how liberals can overlook that Pelosi has invested in oil, while saving the planet and keeping the price high.

    It also amazes me how moronic liberals can be, and how they call names, make jokes, point fingers, and constantly malign republicans; but, as soon as a republicans points out a liberal flaw, they are called mudslingers and relying on dirty tactics.

    Just like the guy above, saying "neocons are stupid" and how much he hates us... this is the same guy that says it is conservatives that are racist or prejudiced. He will also be the first person to report me, because I called liberals moronic.

  9. Because you have misquoted President Bush again--but your a LIEberal so it just comes naturely to you.

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