
In the 2006-2007 season, why was referee Joey Crawford suspended for ejecting Tim Duncan for laughing?

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In the 2006-2007 season, why was referee Joey Crawford suspended for ejecting Tim Duncan for laughing?




  1. because he was tounting duncan with words such as "you wanna fight?" which caused him to be suspended for the rest of the year

  2. last time i checked there was nothin wrong about laughin a call off... and that could have cost them the game with our his presents  ... so we got suspended... i dont think thats in the rule book that u cant laugh... lol... it makes me laugh just thinkin bout it...

  3. Because Tim Duncan was laughing at him and making fun of him.

  4. "Joey Crawford's handling of this situation failed to meet the standards of professionalism and game management we expect of NBA referees," said NBA commissioner David Stern....

    If I recall he was laughing at a call he made. That's not professionally the way to handle it. If you go and start S**t with the ref, that's a different story, but that's not how it happened.

  5. The Facts: Joe Crawford got into a verbal fight with Duncan. Crawford insists Duncan insulted him with curses. Duncan says that Crawford challenged him to a fight.

    The Speculation: I think it began when Duncan started laughing on the bench. I was watching the game but the details are a bit hazy. I do know that Crawford was suspended for the rest of the season and Duncan was fined. My guess is that Duncan was laughing at Crawford for a trumped up call (which probably was true considering that Duncan is never rowdy with referees). Then Crawford didn't like that he was being laughed at so he challenged Duncan.

    Crawford is a long-standing veteran referee, but he has a history of un-professional actions. He plead guilty to swindling the NBA of money (on overstating the price of plane tickets I believe). Now just this year in the playoffs, Derek Fisher bumped Brent Barry on a three-point shot with time running out and Spurs down 2. Crawford was the closest and he failed to make a call. The NBA actually had a press conference and made a rare apology for missing "an obvious foul".

    So I'd probably believe whatever Duncan says.

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