
In the AFL has there been enough BALD players.....?

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to name a team ?

Like Mil Hanna , Matera, Smart,...would Judd and Hall "make the cut" or need one for selection ?




  1. Holy crapoly!! heh heh I was just thnking about Bald players when I saw a pic of Judd. d**n you beat me to the question!!!

    *shakes fist*

    Judd looked better with hair...Hall would look c**p with hair. I guess it depends on how they look.

    Maybe Judd got shaved to minimize wind resistance..

  2. mick "only a mother could love" martyn

  3. Not enough, I love the bald players - something about no hair that makes them appealing.  Not sure how it affects their play though!

    LOL at Matt's answer!!

  4. Bring on the bald team.

    You could even have George Gregan as number 1 ticket holder

  5. No-one has mentioned old Brucie Doull!

    I think he was bald, mainly due to old age - when he last played.

    "Comb-over" Bartlett was another baldie.

  6. The bald ones are s**y

  7. I like bald men and the bald AFL players from the past have all been champions.

    They stand out!!!!

  8. no we need more bald players

    even a bald team

  9. Maybe the next few years could be the era of the nude nuts.

  10. sure.

    nathon jones. nathan eagleton. barry hall. paul chapman. tom harley. to name a few.

  11. Chuck in Jarred McVeigh from the swans

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