
In the Air Force can you choose what kind of pilot you want to be?

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I was wondering if you became a pilot in the air force, would you get to choose what type of plane you would want to fly, Like Fighter or bomber etc.




  1. you have to apply and they test your skills.

  2. You basically have to qualify.  It is like college, you don't go to what ever college you want, you go to what you qualify for.

    Good Luck...

  3. You can choose, but you must then demonstrate an aptitude and the correct personality for that type of flying. And the more elite the aircraft, the steeper the requirements.

  4. You have to work for it. Good luck

  5. Well yes and no.  Assuming you've been selected for Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training (SUPT) to give its full name, it works like this:

    There are three "tracks" that one moves to after the basic airmanship phase:  Fighter/Bomber, Tanker/Trans (this would include fixed-wing Special Ops), Helo.  The numbers selected to move into those tracks is determined by the number of "slots" i.e. the number of available 2Lt pilot positions in certain weapon systems.  Where you end up is determined by three things in this order:

    #1 is "Needs of the Air Force".  The AF may determine that your class is needed in heavies, and bombers so no fighters come down.  Or, 1-3 fighters for your whole class, or EXTREMELY rarely 3+ fighters.  This number will be rolled into the number "tracking" into Fighter/Bomber.

    #2 is Class Standing and Instructor Recommendations.  Class standing determines whether you're going to get your first or second choice of airframe.  Instructors are always evaluating you: formally and informally.   Despite this, if "Needs of the AF" determine that not enough good sticks are moving into other weapon systems-you WILL be moved.  (This very thing happened to some friends of mine when I was at Nav School.)

    #3 is Personal Preference.  You are more likely to get your preference, the higher you are in the class.  Let's say you want B1s (a fairly popular choice BTW).  That means you'll need to track into Fighter/bomber.  Out of a class of 35, 10 Fighter/bomber, 23 Tanker/Trans, and 2 helo come down.  This  would mean that if you are in the top 10, it doesn't matter what the other students ranked higher want-you'll go to the track you want.  Otherwise, it's going to depend on the studs ahead of you.

    Once in the track you'll need to compete again for weapon system.  If say 2x Bones come down, you're now 5 out of 10 and the three ahead of you want fighters-congratulations.  HOWEVER, if 2 of those 5 take the Bones, you MIGHT get your second choice if available.

    If you're looking for fighters-these are HOTLY competed for.  To ensure you get what you want you've got to excel at both academics and flying.  That means getting as many perfect scores as possible.

    EDIT:  There's two other possibilities, one is the "Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training Program" ENJJPT for short.  This is a highly competitive program, but if you make it through you're guaranteed a fighter.  The washout rate's about twice what it is in SUPT-and if you do washout you're done-period.  The other is possibly via the Guard or Reserves.  They do have Lt slots, they are few but are worth exploring.  

    Good Luck, if you have questions about SUPT or flying in the AF, please PM me.

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