
In the Bible if it says its wrong to be g*y then why?

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Do the super religious overlook the other things that it says? Like it also says its wrong to eat shellfish etc etc but I dont see them outside of Red Lobster with protest signs? Most of them just pick and choose what they want to practice but as "true" believers shouldnt they follow EVERYTHING it says? Regardless of how ridiculous it might be (because lets be honest, the bible can be very ridiculous) Am I right?




  1. Everyone sins to a certain degree,but there are what the Bible calls serious sins...homosexuality is something detestable to the one and only true God...The Bible is inspired of God and it comprises his laws and many examples for people to follow...Gods word is perfect.God hates homosexuality,not g*y people...People have to meet Gods standards,which are higher than ours,not the other way around.He gave us life and created all thiings,so he has the right to tell us how to live,

  2. It's easier to be mean to others and hate on what they do than it is to do other things.

    People just suck, let's leave it at that.

  3. It's easier to pick on the things we don't understand.  If it has nothing to do with us, then it must be ok.  Some christian's like sea food.

  4. You are right.

  5. Because much to their protestations they pick and choose which laws or commands they wish to follow.

  6. It isn't wrong to be g*y.  Modern, equal, loving, same-s*x relationships are not what the Bible was referring to in those ancient days.

    So you are quite right that the prohibitions they mention do not apply for us, but I disagree that the Bible is simply ridiculous.  It's more complicated than that.  It's just that it was written for people in a definite historical *context*, and has to be understood in that light.

    What the Biblical writers were upset about were boys being abducted and sold into sexual slavery (that's what "arsenokoites" means in 1 Corinthians 6:9).  They were also against the freed, Hebrew men using another free, Hebrew man to sexually dominate him in servitude (Leviticus 18 and 20).

    Paul the apostle also in Romans 1 uses the Cybele cult of his day as an example of the horrors of idolatry.  Rejecting the teaching of their own philosophers that God was an invisible Deity, the people of Corinth and Rome instead began worshiping the mother goddess Cybele using her idols of women, lions and serpents.

    Her priests castrated themselves (!), wore women's clothing and played the part of women in ritual temple prostitution.  Even the women likewise were fitted with artificial phalli and played the part of men in this temple prostitution to Cybele.

    In other words, the Biblical authors had good reason to write what they did in that context, and I'm sure that reflected God's will that his people not fall into domination of others, predation against boys, bodily mutilation, and worship of false gods.

    But that is as different from a modern, loving, faithful g*y couple as night and day.

    Instead of blindly condemning homosexuality, it would be much more sensible to picket Red Lobsters.  

  7. g*y people can't procriate(Make babies).  So, being g*y is bad for the world, not just people who read the bible.


  9. Are you right?

    Yes, yes you are.

  10. First of all, please cite the phrase in which the bible says its wrong to be g*y.

    Yes, they pick and choose.  Its been going on for eternity.

    How many homophobes are currently wearing a mixed fabric, or have some hanging in the closet?  That's a sin too, I believe.

    The bible is handy to hide behind when you're too cowardly to face your own fears.

    If you want some really interesting answers, try posting this question in the Religion and Spirituality Section as well as here.

  11. It's easier to pick on us, than to stop eating lobster. The bible is a ridiculous book written by bigoted people who lived 2,000 years ago, you do the math.

  12. You are correct. Everyone wearing blended fabrics is going to h**l!

  13. You're right...but to tell you the truth, by posting this question, what exactly are you fixing...nothing...we already know it's right, so perhaps you're posting your question in the wrong section...

  14. Hey, I'm a true believer.  Heck, I sometimes feel I'm more of a believer than my whole church put together.  And by the way, a good portion of us actually don't like shellfish.  I don't condemn homosexuals themselves, because the Bible also says to love everyone for who they are (in a brother/sister kind of way, not a sexual kind of way), but condemn the SINS, not the people, the SINS.  One of my favorite ones though is that we are supposed to hate hate itself.  Now that really singles out the absolute true followers from the ones who think they know what the Bible says.

  15. Yeah, that seems to happen a lot

  16. i think it only says if you are a man you can't be g*y but if you are a woman its fine at least it says nothing about a woman lying down with a woman  

  17. Yeah so true they only pick out pieces from the bible so they can discriminate

    i mean the book was written 2000 years ago and it's ridiculous

    i mean the world only being a couple of thousand years old, we are all being punished because adam and eve ate a freaking apple and some guy saved us by dying on some tree and then came back to life

    i mean what a load of c**p

  18. The Bible is a book about God -- not a book about human sexuality.

    The Bible is the story of God's love for the world and the people of the world. It tells the history of God's love at work rescuing, renewing, and empowering humankind. It was never intended to be a book about human sexuality. Certainly, you will agree.

    In fact, the Bible accepts sexual practices that we condemn and condemns sexual practices that we accept. Lots of them! Here are a few examples.

        * DEUTERONOMY 22:13-21

          If it is discovered that a bride is not a virgin, the Bible demands that she be executed by stoning immediately.

        * DEUTERONOMY 22:22

          If a married person has s*x with someone else's husband or wife, the Bible commands that both adulterers be stoned to death.

        * MARK 10:1-12

          Divorce is strictly forbidden in both Testaments, as is remarriage of anyone who has been divorced.

        * LEVITICUS 18:19

          The Bible forbids a married couple from having sexual intercourse during a woman's period. If they disobey, both shall be executed.

        * MARK 12:18-27

          If a man dies childless, his widow is ordered by biblical law to have intercourse with each of his brothers in turn until she bears her deceased husband a male heir.

        * DEUTERONOMY 25:11-12

          If a man gets into a fight with another man and his wife seeks to rescue her husband by grabbing the enemy's genitals, her hand shall be cut off and no pity shall be shown her.

    I'm certain you don't agree with these teachings from the Bible about s*x. And you shouldn't. The list goes on: The Bible says clearly that s*x with a prostitute is acceptable for the husband but not for the wife. Polygamy (more than one wife) is acceptable, as is a king's having many concubines. (Solomon, the wisest king of all, had 1,000 concubines.) Slavery and s*x with slaves, marriage of girls aged 11-13, and treatment of women as property are all accepted practices in the Scriptures. On the other hand, there are strict prohibitions against interracial marriage, birth control, discussing or even naming a sexual organ, and seeing one's parents nude.

    Over the centuries the Holy Spirit has taught us that certain Bible verses should not be understood as God's law for all time periods. Some verses are specific to the culture and time they were written, and are no longer viewed as appropriate, wise, or just.

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