
In the Caribbean Islands, are the majority black people? Will I get jumped by them since I'm white or are they

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tolerant towards whites?




  1. no they won't jump you or anything. They will wanna date you. Trust me carribean guys say they like to try vanilla ice cream since they only eat chocolate ice cream. lol

  2. you need to first of know, that in the caribbean, mostly everyone is just "mixed race". the whole black or white thing doesn't really go far there. Most people have a darker color, and very few are actually "white"' (as in white like american or europeans). you won't be jumped just like that, and not "because you are white". It also depends on whether or not you stick to the basic world wide rules >> don't go traveling in isolated areas all by yourself<<. In the Caribbean, tourists are seen as a source of income for most islands, so mostly you will be treated very well. that is unless you disrespect the locals.

  3. The slave trade brought Africans to the islands so majority of the population is black, but the population is mixed. Does that mean you will get jumped because you are your attitude may give you some problems.

  4. No, their primary source of income on the islands is tourism and most are smart enough not to mess with that. It's not a race issue at all. Just don't do anything stupid and be polite.

    The worst crime I've heard of in the Caribbean, the disappearance of Natalie Holloway, was supposedly commited by a white Dutch boy!

  5. no but you probably will get jumped if you're really that ignorant

  6. Maybe you shouldn't go there if you have to ask a question like that... seriously.

  7. Grow up.  What does it matter if the majority are black, white, oriental, American Indian ancestry, mixed or something else?  You might get jumped and talked into joining some party, especially if you go during carnival or some other festival but the chances of you getting mugged are slim unless you go looking for trouble.  If you go looking for trouble, it doesn't matter if you are white or not.

  8. Okay.

    Going forward in life, please learn not to generalize.  

    But lets start wide and get more specific. The Carribean is as broad and as diverse as any state in the United States. There are people of African descent, Asian descent, European descent,  Spanish  and Arab. You can find the world in equal parts represented there. Some islands are rich St. Thomas, Bahamas, Bermuda, some islands are poor Haiti, Dominica, and St. Lucia. Some have strong rich European customs and almost a stern and Christian way of doing things. Others allow you to walk naked, and sun topless.

    I cannot guarantee you won't have a violent issue. I do not know. Are you the type to walk around with money hanging out of your wallet, getting drunk in public and going home using dark streets.  On the island of Manhattan you may get jumped, but if you keep your eyes open and be vigilant you may meet good people of all races.

    You are being silly right?

  9. Is this a serious question? Caribbean countries get millions of WHITE tourists each year. And they don't get jumped. A few do but its about money not race. All Black people aren't aggressive. You will be safe i'm sure. Visit Antigua!

  10. What? Every island that i've been to has spanish people.

    And if your in a resort you wont even be exposed to the people of the island.

    And why would they jump you just because your white? However after reading this question u seem a little racist, so i can kinda see why you may be scared of being jumped since you are probably rude to the black ppl that you see...

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