
In the Catholic Church, is there a record of people who have made their first communion?

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or is it more of an honor system thing?




  1. Records are kept for Sacraments meant to be recieved only once; Baptism, Confirmatiom, Holy Matrimony. Usually these records are kept either by the parish in which these Sacraments were received or by the Diocean headquaters in which the Sacraments where received.

  2. I think the answer to your question is no, there is no checking of records or cards before Mass to determine who should or who should not be receiving Eucharist.

    Records are kept at the church in which a person is baptized of all of the sacraments that person has received, but that does not prohibit someone from receiving Eucharist at a different church

  3. All churches keep a registrar of all details like baptism, induction into faith confirmation of faith marriage and the next is you guest it your death.

    Now days just like the Doomsday book of good old England governments keep records of births marriages and deaths.

    Great for researching you ancestral knowledge including shipping passages list can be helpful when people emigrated to another country. These records only cover the 19th century up to now of course. Glad to help there old bean.

  4. If you would like more answers, consider asking around this site as well...

  5. Yes.

    Each parish is responsible to recording all of the major sacraments that take place in the parish, this includes:

    + Baptism

    + First Communion

    + Confirmation

    + Marriage

    These records are not normally centralized with the diocese.

    With love in Christ.

  6. Your individual records are kept at the church where you were baptized. You can have your sacraments at any church, but they are supposed to inform the church where your records are kept that you had that sacrament. No one checks to see if anyone actually got their First Communion unless they are going for another sacrament and most likely only Confirmation. If you receive communion and your not supposed to it's between you and God.  

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