
In the ENTIRE Republican Party, was there absolutely no one else better qualified for VP than Palin?

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  1. no, obviously not

    and for the moron who thinks she is the first female nominee. i guess you libs forget about your previous LOSERS, such as Geraldine! just goes to show that if its on the other foot, the dems will scream and cry  

  2. Mitt Romney certainly thinks so.

    Palin only turned "reformer" when it became useful in her race for governor.

    - she supported earmarks and hired a lobbyist firm to get tens of millions of dollars for her small town.

    - she supported Ted Stevens and the earmarks for the bridge to nowhere UNTIL it became a laughing stock and the funding was refused. Then, she was against the project.

  3. Tom Ridge was/IS WAYYYYY better-qualified.

    But ... he's pro-choice, and we can't have THAT.  Gotta pander to the ultra-conservative evangelical religious right.

    Yeah.  I WANT an Alaska soccer-mom as my next president-in-waiting.  

    There were hundreds of better choices McLame could've made.  Hopefully, his "maverick" choice of some unknown caribou hunter will derail his campaign and show him to be the unstable, undesirable, unpredictable potential Commander In Chief that he IS!!!

  4. This was the most brilliant political move on McCain's part that I have ever seen in my 30 years of watching politics...

  5. Oh I know what you mean she has viewpoints that will set women back fifty years. She is marrying off her under age daughter for the polls, she brags about killing wildlife to have a bear rug she lies about her accomplishments and can you imagine her running the country? Laughable

  6. There were many good choices... but they were all men. The Republicans who were down right jealous of the people who tuned into the Democrat Party last week... decided to put a women as VP hoping to take the Hillary would be voters from Obama.

    In doing this they are saying that women are dumb...Of course it would be nice to see a woman in power and therefore proving that girls can play as well as boys. But Palin is not the gender representative that we have waited for all this time. To vote for Palin would do women no favours, generally or personally.

  7. Why was Obama's first executive decision such a train wreck? Joe Biden. Plagiarist ( quitting the 1988 presidential election after he was caught in his own lies and deceit ). Racist. Washington insider.

      What kind of hope or change did the selection of Joe Biden produce?

    BTW, Palin has executive experience running a state; Obama has no executive experience. None. Why in the ENTIRE Democratic Party, did they have to choose Obama?  

  8. In the ENTIRE Democratic Party, was there absolutely no one else better qualified for POTUS than Obama?

  9. To all those who share the same brain and say "Is Obama all the Dems could come up with??" :  Your beloved America chose Obama to lead us as Americans. Repubs are just stuck with whatever McCain feels like that day.

    Don't hate...

  10. you should see this side by side 'resume' comparison!

    isn't it interesting how abstinence only education leads to more unwanted pregnancies than a proper s*x education

  11. This is a hail-mary to someone that was sitting on the sidelines.  They truly have faith that the American voters who were stupid enough to vote for Bush will be stupid enough (again).

    They wanted someone who hadn't criticized McCain during the primaries - and what the heck - make her a woman - no one will question a woman!!!

    But to answer the question in a Republican format: "Why are liberals so mean and ruin everything? ... you heartless blood-sucking liberals!! ;P LOL!  How could you do this?!"

  12. Of course there was.

    McCain simply didn't choose them.  He wanted Lieberman.  But the powers that be in the Republican party told him absolutely not.

    So to get back at them, he chose Palin.  Someone he's only known 6 months, only met 3 times and only spoke to on the phone twice.

    No doubt the Republicans are steaming behind the scenes.

    If McCain wins, all will be well.  But if he loses, the Republican Party won't forget this act of betrayal.

    And for all the ones who keep talking about Obama, there were at least 10 other people running against Obama.  The American people chose him.

    McCain chose Palin.

    Big, big difference.

  13. I am starting to believe that ANYBODY in the entire republican party would have been a better choice.

    He should have just stuck with Mitt R.

    He does have his controversies, but nothing like what is happening to the republicans now.

    You can make choices, fearful that someone else won't like who you chose  - but there will ALWAYS be someone who doesn't like who you choose.  

    With that being said -- pick who is the BEST and if they are that good, they will have the ability to change the opinions of those who didn't like you & respect the qualifications & experience that is being brought to the table.

  14. Republicans are good at winning elections - not governing.  So it could be a  good bet  based on Republican track record ... but I doubt it this time.  

  15. It was a desperate choice. Becuase they dont want to vote for the first black nominee for president they are saying Palin was a very good choice.

    Most were expecting Huckabee infact that was 80% of the republicans who wanted Huckabee.

    Proves something..doesnt it?

  16. We in the republican party have been asking the same question about Obama. If he were white he would not even gotten a vote just like Edwards & Biden both one million times more qualified that Obama.

  17. I have to laugh,because there were way more qualified people then Obama.  

  18. Obama people claim the country wants change He selects a 30yr politician McCain selects a fresh intelligent women thats change, Sure there was other good candidates But this is change for the better,Its time Women have a chance to be in a position of Power,Not in the back of the bus.

  19. They won't answer that question yet. They are waiting for this selection to be confirmed first. If Palin drops out, McCain will choose another one, and then they'll say that one was the best pick. Otherwise she will be consider the best pick. Get it, they'll go with whom ever he picks.

  20. There were many more qualified. Just like there were Dems more qualified than Obama. (Especially Hillary)

    He could have chosen someone with more experience and lost the election. Now he has a chance.

  21. EDIT:  Still waiting for you to respond to the following:

    That's funny, because I had a similar question.  It goes like this, and I do hope you'll be bold enough to answer it:

    In the whole Democratic pary is nobody more qualified to be President than Barack Obama?

    Is there nobody with more experience than Obama?

    Is there nobody with more success at getting bills passed than Obama?

    Is there nobody with a better record of actually VOTING on bills (rather than voting "present" ) than Obama?

    Is there nobody more experienced with the military than Obama?

    Is he the absolute best person in this country to run it?

  22. Sure.  But it's the Presidential candidate's choice to make, and McCain chose her.   Doesn't mean that there weren't many other good, or possibly better candidates, just that he decided she was the one he preferred.

  23. Well she has more executive experience than all 3 of them put together. She has reformed the Alaskan government. Obama chose someone in Washington, which goes against much of his campaign, and makes him look somewhat hypocritical even though I like Biden. She will be the #2, not the #1 like the guy on the Dem ticket, who has been running for president for much of his senate term. A piece of advice, do not bring up experience because Obama will look bad if you do, considering he has no executive experience comapred to her, and has not really done anything in the Senate since he has been in office. She is a great choice and represents many American mothers. They might not agree with her on some issues, but many can relate to being a successful woman with a big family. McCain made a fantstic choice, and I am glad that she will be representing the Republican party for the next 8 years.

  24. They tried to find someone less qualified but the Democrats nominated him first.

  25. In the ENTIRE Democratic Party, was there absolutely no one else better qualified for the Presidency than Obama?

    Do you have any thoughts on this?

  26. In the entire Republican Party, there is absolutely no one else who is more in tune with McCain's stance as a reformer, a maverick, a whistle-blower, even against someone in one's own party.

  27. I agree Chuck G

    Obama was a 100 TIMES worse choice than Palin...

  28. In the ENTIRE Democratic Party was there absolutely no one else better qualified for President than Obama?

  29. The question for Republicans is who was really responsible for naming her to be VP?  It is obvious the religious right and far right were going to be ones who name and approve McCain's choice for VP.  

    How many Republicans and Americans knew of Palin before Friday?  McCain had met with her on only two occasions.

  30. Apparently not. He only chose her as a token and not as an equal. He wants all of Hilary's votes but it looks like his plan [with all that experience he has] backfired. I would have expected him to choose a better candidate. It's not that Palin isn't qualified but she just has too much on her plate already.

  31. i think there were plenty--but they didn't want to go up against the mighty


    so they threw it and took away the glory from Hillary as being the first FEMALE NOMINATED on a party ticket to run...

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