
In the Guantanamo trials, how can officers in the jury be impartial? Aren't they at war with the defendants?

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In the Guantanamo trials, how can officers in the jury be impartial? Aren't they at war with the defendants?




  1. Good question.  I think we should just execute them instead.

  2. that is like saying a judge in a criminal court cannot be impartial because they are on the side of "the Law".....

  3. The officers on the jury are not 'at war' with the defendants.  They are military officers who are sworn to put aside their personal prejudices and look impartially at the facts.

    Why don't you contrast the quality of people on the jury at a military trial with that you find in a civilian trial.

    Military trial jury:

    College educated

    Above average intilligence

    Accoustomed to analyzing complex data

    Used to listening to different points of view and weighing the merits of contrasting arguements

    Civilian jury:

    Most members only have a high school education

    Average intelligence (maybe)

    Not used to analyzing complex data

    Generally only used to listening to people who already share their views.

    Who do you think is going to do a better job?

  4. I am with Jeff on that one, they are lucky to get a trail and fed 3 times a day. If they were to capture me, I would have been long dead by now, they dont deserve to live.

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