
In the MLB, what's a all-star, above average, mediocre, poor, batting average?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sure that .200 and under is poor and .400 is super phenomenal, but how do you rank them in between? (like say .298)




  1. .320

    poor- 100-200


    above - 310

    all star- 320

  2. Potential HOF: .350 or higher

    All Star: .300-.349

    Above Average: .280-.299

    Average: .265-.279

    Below Average: .250-.264

    Potenial Loser: .249 or lower

    PS: Some people under .249 BA are good players.

  3. .300 All-Star

    Above Average .285

    Average .260

    Below Average .245

    Poor .220 and below

  4. All Star:  .320

    Above average:  .285

    Average:  .270

    Mediocre:  .255

    Poor:  .230

  5. You can't just determine an all-star canidate soley on one stat like a batting average. Unless he's batting .350 or higher, that's pretty impressive, so that could get a player in. But maybe he's a good fielder. .298 is good, but not great. Look at the Indians, the team batting average is probably around .230, and look at them. I think I'm not understanding your question fully though.

  6. all star= 315- and up

    above average= 295-314

    mediocre= 260-294

    poor= 259- 0

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