
In the NBA, why do athletes get fined so much money just by simply yelling at the ref about a call?

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For Example:

You can get fined $20,000 just by saying, "You idiot, that was the dumbest call I've ever heard!"

What would happen if they refused to pay the fine?




  1. the only leverage you have at THIS level is the's tough for the coaches to get someone who makes TEN times your salary to listen to your direction (so you have to SELL them on your credentials and EXPLAIN EVERYTHING)...the Association has an even more DIFFICULT time getting the players attention (and $20K is like walking-around money for these guys)...SUSPENSION is where they escalate to the next level BUT wait for the legal action that ensues...

  2. well thts like spare change to them...

  3. Going against officials is deemed irresponsible and immature. It's unprofessional. As with any job, athletes should not use profanities or lose their temper. If a employee shouted at his manager for having too much work, then that employee would most likely get fired. The NBA doesn't fire its players, but fines them instead. The heavy fines are relatively nothing compared to most salaries.

    If they refused to pay the fine, I'd imagine they would be suspended until they paid, or even thrown out of the league. Legal action could also be taken. The players are under contract to obey the league, and if they don't, then they've broken the terms of their contract.

  4. Because if they're yelling at them, it's harder for them to fix the games!

  5. First of all i don't think any player should be yelling at the ref. It shows a lack of respect towards the guys in charge of calling the game. I believe the fine is so high so players will think twice before approaching a ref. in the wrong way, but its not working so the league just sits back and collect some easy money. The players can not refuse to pay because they will be suspended until they do pay up. One more thing, I think only the captain in co-captain(coach also) should be able to approach a referee during a game, Its not cool when a rookie can yell in talk s**t to a 15 year veteran referee.

  6. If you refuse, you will not be able to play.  If you want to play the game, you have to play by the rule.  You can't allow players to just abuse and intimidate the refs.  The refs need to have power over the player.  If the refs are wrong then they will have to answer to the commisioner.  

  7. Man they make millions that's why they get fined so much  

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