
In the Olympics, what game(s) do you think were focused to much on, and what game(s) were focused least on?

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I think there was too much focus on baseball and basketball because you can watch those sport anytime. Also, I've been against basketball in the Olympics ever since the "dream team" because I feel that the Olympics should be for armatures only.

What was focused the least on was the decathlon which I don't understand because it's suppose to be a big part of the Olympics.




  1. I'm from Australia and the broadcast is hockey, hockey and more hockey which has been driving me nuts.  I don't think they have focused enough on the diving or basketball.  Pretty much have only seen the last 2 dives of each diving competition and no dives of one of them.  2 of the Opals matches were not even shown here in Australia because of the AFL broadcast.  

  2. I honestly think all the networks did a great job of showing a variety of events, at least here in the US. There were so many sports that I'd never seen before (Such as Fencing) that I got a chance to experience. But if you didn't have cable or satelitte, then your coverage would be limited. I honestly think Gymnastics was focused on way too much and that's even my 2nd favorite event. (Swimming being the first, but I know a lot of people were sick of hearing about Michael Phelps. With my name obviously I wasn't lol, but he was on TV basically 24.7 for about a week. I miss those days lol!) Things like the Gala seem just pointless to me. The other sports don't get a gala! Like I said, I love Gymnastics but I just don't get it. I don't think there was enough focus on Synchronized Swimming and Archery. I didn't see any of the Synchronized Swimming, where was that??

  3. gymnastics, track & field, and swimming were focused too much on, but  I wanted to see more of sailing, rowing, water polo, and archery.

  4. There was def. a big focus on swimming!

  5. I love watching swimming and gymnastics..

    Everything else isn't all that entertaining. Least I think so.

  6. Way too much focus on Volleyball! No focus on any of the combat sports: Judo, Taekwondo, Wrestling, and Boxing. NBC sucks at covering the Olympics, but I am forced to watch them because they created a monopoly over the Olympics in America.

  7. Too much on diving. I'm just happy they didn't waste prime time on rowing, wrestling, sailing, shooting, badminton and Archery.

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