
In the Rugby Union world cup, what's with that mexican sounding trumpet noise that is heard at every kick off?

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you know what i mean? it does it, then all the croud shout "Ooooooiiiiiii"! Come on England by the way!!




  1. Is it ooooiiiiii or ole? i need to asap.....

  2. I think its spanish....and don't the sing ole? and for that matter..... GO SOUTH AFRICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    go bokke! :-)

  3. I think you'll find that they shout "Olé". It's a French thing emanating from the Basque region in the South where they still have bullfights.

    And yes, "Come on England."

  4. It's NOT Mexican - it's a Basque/Catalan (basically southwestern France) rugby thing!

    Come down to Toulouse , particularly - the heart of french rugby - & of Bandas (village brass groups with a predominantly Franco-Spanish repertoire) - & you'll get it every few minutes - PLUS a Banda playing the standard local tune - bit like a Feria (bullfight - ****!)

    By the way, down HERE, where there is a huge population of ex-pat BRITS (far from exclusively English, by the way), there is a healthy respect for English rugby & genuine support for them in the final.

    In my village I was sincerely congratulated on Saturday's win & wished good luck for the final. So, don't pay too much attention to all the really unpleasant anti-Pom, sour grape spleen vented throughout the discussion forums (fori?!)

    Oh yes, to complete the story, congratulated by all BUT the ONE classic 'square' (physically, starting with  his neck & forearms!) French peasant - true sense of the word, no disrespect - who wanted nothing more than to 'fit' me - because France lost & I had the gall to commiserate with them (he had to be restrained by his mates)!

    That is the worst of French sporting support & their attitude to THEIR teams, most evident in Paris rather than down here - if they don't win, they don't want to know - hence the way they can get on their own guys backs when things aren't going too well during a game - AND the officials are always against them if they lose!

    Finally, good luck England - you deserve 'it' but, regrettably, will not get it, I fear - stranger things may have happened, though - Botham's Ashes the only example which comes readily to mind!?

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