
In the Twilight series... Imprinting?

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I asked this question yesterday , but i didn't receive reasonable answers by several twilight fans.

So i'm asking it again , what do you think about the imprinting thing in Twilight?

Honestly , i find it wrong and stupid.

It wouldn't be so wrong if werewolves wouldn't be able to imprint on infants , like when Jake imprinted on Nessie in BD , or Quill on Claire in Eclipse.

That makes them total pedos , both of them. And those who say that they're not , in my opinion are wrong.

SM in particular screwed Jake's character when he imprinted on Nessie in BD. He never will be a big brother or best friend to her (i'm saying what others assumed) , unless he feels romantically attracted to her.

I mean , is Nessie going to have a choice?

She will be forced to be with Jacob in the end.

After all , i think that it's unhealthy and disturbing thing and it's not love.

Thanks XD




  1. Well it's "to preserve the 'werewolf' race". They find the "person most likely to help them reproduce the gene". Disgusting in a way. But I think that the imprinter will be whatever the imprintee will need them to be (uncle, brother, father, lover), because the imprinter loves them so much, and in turn, the imprintee will go weak in the knees because of the blind devotion of the imprinter (which is really creepy if you've though of them as a brother all your life... eww...) Get it? So the imprintee DOES have a choice, but why would they choose someone else? A hot, muscular guy who loves you more than anything in the entire world that would do anything for you. Sounds good to me, but not if I've been raised to think of him as a brother.

    Blind devotion is confused as love, but as they grow together it will most likely turn into love eventually. I agree that it isn't love at first and maybe not ever.

    I think that's the whole essence of imprinting. So, I guess I agree with you. Sort of. Mostly. Sort of-- it is fairly creepy, after all.

  2. I just kinda rolled with it.  The author HAD to bind Jacob to Bella but he could not be the love of her life.  So, she came up with the imprinting that would still bind him, only in a different way.  Vampirism is perverse in itself so imprinting is just another "deviant" behavior romanticized.  It is fiction, outlandish, and sometimes nonsensical but you don't apply logic and fact to it.  You just read it and enjoy it and appreciate the characters for what they are.  No need to label them peds.... hey, Edward is over 100 years old hitting on high school girls.  What is the REAL difference??  It was a new angle to a much told story and an interesting way of telling it.

  3. Well in Eclispse Jacob said that the girl has a say in it but why wouldnt she want to choose quill or jacob because they morph themselves into whatever she wants them to be...

    I personally think the whole concept is kinda off but it also makes some sense. Like if the feeling is mutual then i don't see the problem  

  4. i really agree with you its sorta creepy its like brainwashing them


  5. When i first read of imprinting, truth be told it really creeped me out.  All of a sudden you have no choice over who you love, that doesnt sound right to me.  And the fact that yes they imprint on babies!! gross and wrong on so many levels.  I am a fan of twilight but i always hate reading about Quill and Clair or Jake's imprinting on Nessie.  They are obsesed with babies.  Yes many people think, oh thats so cute they will watch over them and take care of them  SM where do you come up with this randomness??

  6. I think it's meyers way of trying to make Twilight different from all the other millions of vampire books out there.

    Yea. I never really liked Jake but it seems like if you did the second that he imprinted i would be like Eww gross, Edward isn't so bad now. ^_^

    It kinda bothers me that if the werewolf imprints the imprintee dosn't have a say, i mean i know they do, but like that they wouldn't want to, what happened to falling in love the old fashioned way??

    Hope I Helped!

    (enough to be best answer ^_^)

  7. i thought imprinting was okay and kind of romantic until i read about Quil & Claire. i was kind of like... ew. Jacob and Nessie just creeped me out even more. i can understand why Stephenie Meyer created imprinting as the first sight the two people have of eachother, but its still a little gross.

  8. No. when Nessie is older she does get a choice.

    i think in new moon jacob explains that.

    Remember when edward said that Jacob would have competion with that other half vampire??

    nessie does get a choice. Jacob just is now on this earth to protect her.

  9. I don't thing it is stupid.  Oh and that does not make them pedos.  It is not like they are making moves on the 3 year olds.  They act like an older brother, then when they get old enough they tell them about it, and the girl will has her choice who she wants, and usually she picks the werewolf.  I think it is love.  It is very cute.  Just  my thoughts though.

  10. lol, you're not the only one who finds it also creepy, disturbing, and wrong.

    It's like the little kids have pretty much no choice, which I think is kind of sad :-(

    So, no I dont like imprinting XD

  11. Normal animals (yes in the real world) imprint, so it's not so far fetched.  Google it.

  12. I agree, it's wrong and stupid. It's a dumb plot device Meyer uses when gets lazy. Instead of doing the "hard" writing and creating an ending for Jacob that was actually not cheap, she'd have to explore some major tough areas. So what does she do instead? She takes away his free will and BAM all of a sudden he's happy as can be. Lazy. Crappy. Cheap. Writing.

    And also that junk about them imprinting on babies makes no sense. Meyer's ignorance is showing again. Psychologically, that would never work. If you go through your life stages, starting from INFANCY as viewing someone as a brother/sister/parent/guardian, there is NO. WAY that you would EVER be attracted to them when you are mature enough to feel those things. Sure everyone gets a little crush, but when you're young. And I'm not making it up, studies have actually been done on this.

    Mainly what I hate about imprinting is that it takes away free will, but it glorified as "destiny" and "true love". Yeah okay.

  13. it is really... stupid. and it kind of sounds like child kidnaping. it's honestly a little creepy.

  14. its not a romantic thing... its like loving but stronger. you can love an infant without being a  pervert! without this the book wouldnt tie together. and its just a story.

    but i do agree that jacob shouldnt have imprinted. it ruined his character.


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