
In the U.K. What amount of hours are considered "full-time" and what is considered "part time"?

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In the U.K. What amount of hours are considered "full-time" and what is considered "part time"?




  1. 30+ = full time

    20 hours = part time

  2. as far as i'm aware, per week, 30-48hrs = full time  ;  16-30hrs = part time  ;  under 16 = casual work/part time

  3. 37 hours a week or more full time.

    Part time anything under that.

  4. 30 hours is full time.

  5. 8 hours per day is full time.

    4-5 hours is part time.

  6. For the purposes of claiming benefits or tax credits anything over 16 hours is considered full time

  7. If you are claiming benefits, sixteen hours or less will not affect them, anything over sixteen hours and you may lose some, or all of your benefits..

  8. i do believe under 16hrs is part time and 16+ is full time but i may be wrong  

  9. 30 plus is full time

    anything less is part time

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