
In the UK, at what age will police not look for a missing person?

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Would they search for any missing person under 18 or do they only search for under 16s. Just curious.




  1. im almost 100% sure they will search for missing persons of any age, ive seen missing person ads on tv and ive seen 30 year olds on it! so pretty sure it will be over that

  2. They will look for missing perons of any age, but if the person reported as missing is 18 or over they don't take any action for 24 hours in case they turn up of their own accord.

  3. I find this strange and suspicious!  

    What's happening then?

    Please give more details - are you going missing, are you hiding someone - when someone is registered as missing the police take this very seriously & they track people over the years using DNA

  4. Age is not the issue, any person reported missing will be treated as a missing person and an investigation will be conducted until the Police are happy the person is safe.

    The Police assess the circumstances of the person going missing and the vulnerability of the missing person to prioritise the investigation /search based on that risk assessment.

    A three year old child is a high priority by virtue of the obvious vulnerability, by the same token an older person who suffers from Alzheimer's who has wandered out of their home near a busy motorway would be a high priority. It's the circumstances,  vulnerability and perceived risk to the person that steers the investigation not the age per se.

  5. They will look for all, more time and resources will be spent on a missing 8 year old than a 20 year old who has probably run away from home as they don't like their parents.

    Initially the misper is looked for by the response side of the police then after a couple of days it goes to a special officer or dept who deal with them as a daily part of their duties.

  6. any age.

  7. Police will search for any missing person of any age.  They are however risk assessed based on their particular needs as a person, illnesses, prescribed medication, medical risk to others, danger to others, behaviour prior to disappearance, ability to interact with others and several other factors.

    A search will take as long as necessary with cases being reviewed periodically.

  8. As I understand it, a lot does depend on circumstance and resources, but I do not think that age is any bar to the police looking for a missing person.

  9. I live in the US, but I would think they would search for any person that has been missing past a certain period of time.

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