
In the UK, if i got a bike & wanted to cycle along pavements with my dogs, is that allowed?

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I assume that people are TRYING to be funny about the dogs riding bikes???

I forgot to laugh!




  1. Definitely not. You can get fined if you do so, and frankly I would have little sympathy. I always cycle on the road, and I am sick of arrogant people who ride too fast on the pavement. I appreciate that you probably do not intend to do that, but the law doesn't know that.

  2. No its not allowed, and you are not fooling me into thinking that your dogs can ride a bike anyway.

  3. NO, definitly not, people have been killed by cyclists on the pavement, this also applies to footpaths and canal towpaths in the country unless they are designated as bridle paths, in which case you can, but must give way to walkers and horses.

    Read the highway code.

  4. No way - cycling on the pavement is illegal in UK.  However I sympathise with you and others who cycle on the pavement cos the roads are so dangerous these days.

    I am cycle friendly but I dont make the laws and its shocking that there are so few cycle ways!

  5. No.  It's dangerous and irresponsible.  If I had a quid for all the times in the last three months that I'd had to dodge a child on a bike, I could give up working and cycle (on the roads!) full time!

    No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No.

  6. Whilst I commend you on teaching your dogs to ride bikes, I'm afraid it's not allowed.

  7. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.

    Cyclists (and I am such) should use the roads like they used to do, prior to the invention of motorised transport.

  8. no its not allowed my 17 year old son got a £30 fine for cycling on the pavment.. guess who had to pay the bill.........

  9. Not supposed to. The police can ticket you if you do, or take your bike off you for persistently offending.

  10. I do it all the time

    Me on the path running along

    My master on the road cycling

    Been seen by the Police loads of times and never stopped

    Just have to slow down when I need a wee or else my neck nearly gets ripped off. Lol

    And I have to make sure I go the correct way at lamposts too cos that really hurts if I go the wrong side.

  11. Depends what you mean by "allowed".

    If you mean by law, cycling itself is not permitted on pavements.

    If you mean in practice, then yes, I'm sure it will be fine. Round in my neck of the woods, cyclists seem to believe that pavements are their domain (especially on the downhill bits where you can only walk in single file round a tight corner!)

    As for taking your dogs........Won't it be a bit difficult to hold onto your bike AND your dogs?

    It's probably best not to. You could get into a frightful mess, riding your bike, avoiding pedestrians, and controlling dogs.

  12. No, unless there is a cycle path on the pavement, it is illegal to cycle there.  If you want to take your dogs with you, then train them to stay on the pavement, or find a park or similar where you can cycle and they can run.

  13. Nope, uless there is a cycle lane painted on the path, its illegal (no sick bird jokes either please).

    You are entitled to roads, byways, towpaths and bridalways (Anywhere a horse can go, so can you).

    For clarification try:


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