
In the UK does anyone still have Milk delivered in bottles to their doorstep ?

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Only, they are re-useable containers !




  1. Yes, we do. Although it is cheaper by far in the supermarket our milkman is such an obliging soul that we stick with him. Recently the price increased by 4p a pint because of transport and other outside factors, but at least it's fresh. If ever out milkman leaves we may resort to the supermarket.

  2. I don't, we got ours nicked when lived at our old house so we stopped getting them. They still get delivered to other people though.

  3. Not me, but I still see the milkman every morning. These days, their round covers increasingly large areas to serve a dwindling number of customers.

  4. I'm from Germany, but I'm going to an English School. I can tell you that I have never experienced that the bottles got deliviered to our door steps. Certainly not to our boarding house, but I have also been to several of my fellows' houses and I haven't seen it there either.

    So I think, this faded out over the years.

  5. yep we do

  6. Not at home but we do at work, it's very expensive compared to getting it from shops/supermarkets

  7. No, I live in a city centre though, not that practical for a milk-man!

  8. My Gran does - Stafford

  9. yep we do! and a pint of fresh orange juice

  10. yes l do whats wrong with that nice fresh milk in the morning lovey

  11. Yes we do in our little Norfolk village.

  12. that would be so cool if they did it here in the US...

  13. omg!

    ppl still do?!?!!

    that is amazing.

    I don't think anyone in the US does tho.. right?

  14. yes in yorkshire and we get green top which is full fat and untreated milk , uuummmmmmm it taste soooooo good x

  15. I did up until about a year or so ago, while my youngest was still drinking a lot of milk. I found it too expensive in the end though, and as my kids are older and are drinking less of it I find it easier just to buy a bottle from the corner shop when I need one.

  16. Yes, but it seems the dairies don't want any customers - see my previous question:

    I have had further dealings with them since then and they have been appalling. "I can't help, I wasn't here yesterday", "no, you can't speak to a manager", staff clearly hungover, no interest in helping, not in the slightest bit bothered.

    Terrible service. If they carry on like this, the milkman will surely cease to exist in future.

  17. I get milk delivered but not in glass bottles but my neigbour does. I pinched one once when i was in school how naughty is that. Dont tell any one

  18. We do here in Brighton.

  19. My mother-in-law still gets milk delivered in glass bottles every other day.

  20. I used to but the milkman got too greedy and started to charge double that of anywhere else plus a delivery charge on top. I dont mind paying a little more if means the farmers get a decent price for their milk but when it is just the milkman trying to exploit it then no way!

  21. some folk up my road has it delivered by a mlikman about 400am in the morning but its getting very rare as you can buy mlik cheaper by the supermarkets than the milkman thats why there isnt any milkmen doing deliveries anymore.

  22. My Gran does

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