
In the UK is there any link between immigration and the stabbings?

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In the UK is there any link between immigration and the stabbings?




  1. More violent and antisocial crimes have followed the mass immigrations into the UK in the last 11 years or so - such as enforced prostitution, hard drug industries, people trafficking, gangmasters making people work illegal for poor wages / in bad conditions, and STABBING / SHOOTING !

  2. I think so.

    And also feel that ethnic migrants influence british children into gangs

    Watched a doccumentry other day.

    Kids,knifes,broken lives

    about 1/2 were white.

    just look at new film Adulthood, same there.

  3. Yes- in London a disproportionate amount of knife crime is committed by people of Afro-Caribbean descent.

  4. yes it is but not in most places. its just that london is a city and the new is mostly about them. and most crime is commited by people from a african origin in london.

  5. Yes, it has increased dramatically during the same time span as the huge influx into the UK.

  6. YUP, yust look at the reports about them all

  7. I'm not sure. There are a few different ethnic gangs that we could blame but other than that stabbings are mostly the work of irresponsible teenagers.

  8. There does seem to be, but everyone is rather reluctant to say in case you are branded a racist.  But in all cases at least one member has a foreign name.

  9. I`m sure there is far more than meets the eye behind the incredible rise in knife crimes in the U.K.:it`s almost as if there is some organisation behind it.One can`t help putting together the rise in immigration into this country(legal and illegal) and the escalation of knife crimes.It`s well noted that youngsters are impressionable;don`t tell me they are getting all their ideas from the T.V.

  10. As soon as a news article comes on about stabbing I say to the wife bet its immigrant linked and am always right.  Enough said!!!!!!

  11. No. A lot of the stabbings have been sent and recieved by UK citizens. Its a shame :(

    It sounds horrible to say, and i'll probably get thumbs down, but some of the stab victims have provoked their killers. Obviously they shouldnt have ever been killed, but people who stab other people are not right in the head, they'll kill for street cred. People don't just walk up to someone, stab them, and then walk off.

  12. Within this governments endless wisdom of multiculturalism, they have opened up a portal that has been wide enough to allow Ukrainian gangsters to infiltrate our towns and cities. These boys are extremely violent and offer no remorse for peddling drugs, child p**n,prostitution and providing even kids with deadly weapons.

    One wee teenager was recently arrested for possession of a powerful handgun plus ammo but I do understand that many teen have been lured by the "gangsta" culture and, yes, I do blame immigration on the recent spate of stabbings. Knives are cheaper than guns but the results are the same - senseless and needless deaths.

    Where it will all end is a question I simply cannot give you but our society is in deep water and, as a culture, we are drowning and it is far too late to learn how to swim. Your government does not give a d**n yet what is the decent alternative? Conservatives? Liberals? Hardly excites the senses, does it?

  13. I would suggest yes just due to the data & studies done abroad - Sweden for example.

    Edit-It is interesting to note that these Muslim immigrants state quite openly that they are involved in a “war,” and see participation in crime and harassment of the native population as such. This is completely in line with what I have posited before.

    The number of rape charges in Sweden has quadrupled in just above twenty years. Rape cases involving children under the age of 15 are six times as common today as they were a generation ago. Most other kinds of violent crime have rapidly increased, too.

  14. Please do not talk about this it may allow the real British to understand the cost of multiculturising the UK by inviting millions of people from the most backward and dangerous parts of the world.

    Of course there is a link, every knife death in the UK is connected to the recent immigrant community, just look into the reports of every one.

    Edit, The government is desperately trying to prevent this from becoming known, difficult considering that we can see photos and names of the killers concerned and 99% are immigrants

  15. I would say Yes there is a definate link! Gangs are in control of our streets in some areas.

    However Indigenous kids  need taking in hand . A return to punishment centres, family centres and the removal of the laws which gives kids the upper hand and reduces parents and authority to criminals would be one good step forward

  16. thingy's comment is so dishonest it should be removed, LONDON (ethnic minority areas) is where MOST knife crime has been committed.thingy's link  does NOT provide any proof and is part of his/her dishonest comment

    ALL knife crime victims in London are connected  via the ethnic minority London communities.

    Which country do YOU come from thingy?

  17. There is more behind these stabbings.

    It looks like those boys were specifically targetted!

  18. Sadly for the RACISTS. no. If you read a real newspaper (instead of BNP propaganda) you'll know that the knife crime capital of Britain is Glasgow, where they have relatively few immigrants (1st or 2nd generation).

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