
In the USA, is it against the law to commit suicide?

by  |  earlier

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i heard somewhere that in the USA its against the law to commit suicide. is it?




  1. its kinda hard to punish someone thats already kicked the bucket... but if its ATTEMTPED suicide, and it doesnt work, then you just get sent to hard core therapy.

  2. no

  3. No, it is not.  All states have gotten rid of laws against suicide--which includes failed attempts at suicide.  Assisting a suicide, on the other hand, is a crime except under very narrow circumstances in one or two states.

  4. The law actually is Attempted Suicide is illegal.  This allows the state the means to have the offender committed for psychiatric evaluation.  

  5. yes it is why do you what to kill your self you have to get help call a friend talk to your mom or dad  

  6. yes it is illegal in all us states, i dont understand why though.

  7. i hope not

  8. Yes

  9. Not only is it against the law but if you get caught committing suicide you will immediately be taken into a back room and have the cowboy S**t slapped out of you..  

  10. You.  If you are caught after you commit suicide you will get the death penalty.

  11. No..Bush isn't that stupid.

  12. Yeah don't do it they might sue you.

  13. lol is shouldnt be. whats the punishment for that? alright you are sentenced to 20yrs in jail...wait...doh!

  14. What kind of punishment will you receive if you are already dead?

  15. this may be the stupidest question I have ever heard.

  16. It may not be against the law, but if you try and fail then you can be held for 72 hour observation and possibly admitted to a mental facility against your will.

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