
In the United States what are people most angry about?

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I'm trying to quantify what the most people are angry or upset about. Are there any systematic studies of this stuff? Is there measure of the number of people and level of passion?




  1. I do say, I agree with the previous two answers! Gasoline prices are completely horrible. But, I think many people are unhappy with their lives. Because of the stressful lifestyles that are placed upon us, we don't really get much time to spend with "ourselves" or our families and that poses a great problem. People here often feel like stress overcomes their lives because things that should not be important are often placed in front of those things that are.

  2. the price of gas.

    the cost of living.

    the job crisis in massachusetts.

    $$ the amount of money wasted in presidential campaigning that could have been put back into our economy!! God i hate politics!!!

  3. gasoline


    food pricers are higher

  4. i will say the number one is money problem.....secondly relationship problem.

  5. The President

  6. Take your pick.

    It could be something legitimate like rising fuel and food prices or something stupid like what presidential candidate a person voted for.

    People can get mad over what another person is wearing in public or their opinion on a religious subject. It's non-stop here in the U.S.

  7. Gasoline prices  , the economy , a war we never should have been involved in.

  8. I think many people are really angry at our government and the crime that it partakes in.

  9. the bush administration and how it effects everything down the chain. all the way down to the school system.

  10. It is subjective. What angers me is universal. Stupid people anger me.

  11. The economy. Nothing else matters

  12. What makes me the most angry is the amount of employers that descriminate when hiring people.  It took 2 years for someone to hire me.  This is why theres so many homeless people in the U.S.  Gas prices seem to have a lot of people angry.  So my final answer is that gas prices are what has most americans angry.

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