
In the We The People competion, would it be ok to mention g*y rights?

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I support g*y rights 100% and for the We The People competition would it be looked down on to mention g**s? One of the things I'm supposed to speak about is minority/civic rights, and this was the 1st thing that came to mind. Do you think the judges would be mad and take off points?




  1. I think it would be wonderful for you to mention g*y rights.

  2. I don't think so.....unless they are behind the times.

    We, the people, includes everyone, every person...

    regardless of race, color, age.........and sexual choices.

    that in itself, is actually a person's own decision, to whom they love. It is no ones business.

    In my own opinion, g*y should be excluded from the dictionary.

    And they should have the same rights as other couples.

    Just because a baby is born a boy, however has all

    the characteristics of a girl....and vice verse.....

    They cannot help that.  It is a medical fact.

    Sure, if they were rich, they could medically change the body.

    I see no difference of a "g*y" person than any one else.

    Sorry, I went on and on...It just is so uncaring.

    I am not "g*y", oh that word........married, children and granchildren. I do know two couples that are.....

    Wonderful, caring people.

  3. g**s are just as American as anyone else

  4. g**s are not discrimated against. Don't even go there. Why does everybody always cry out discrimination!

    g*y Parades

    g*y Day at Disneyland

    g*y Clubs

    g*y Sitcoms

    Hello!!!! We don't have straight parades or straight day at D-land.

  5. IAW all laws, constitutions, etc., a "right" is not a right unless it applies to everyone.  Obviously, not every one can be a homosexual or L*****n; otherwise, the human race would die out.

    Aside from that, no, it is not OK.

  6. i am for equal rights for all, and special rights for no-one...if you support specials rights then i disagree with you...the last thing America needs is the rights of a few supersede the rights of the many...or vice versa...

  7. I think that the topic of minority / civic rights is something that is inherently controversial.

    In the 1945 to speak about a Japanese man running his own business would have been frowned upon

    In 1960, to speak about a black man having to use a black man's bathroom would have been frowned upon.

    In 1970, to speak about a woman in the workplace would have been considered odd.

    in 2000, to speak about a g*y man getting married to another g*y man is considered odd.

    The issue isn't whether they'll deduct points, or not -- but if you're passion and zeal for the expansion of equality to homosexuals outweighs your desire to win a competition.

    If it does . . . then it'll probably help you.

    Passion and zeal are two things than can't often be faked -- if you're passionate about g*y equality, and you're supposed to speak about a minority / civic rights topic . . . then by all means -- speak on, sista!

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