
In the West Midlands, are there any good dining clubs, debating clubs, political clubs?

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In the West Midlands, are there any good dining clubs, debating clubs, political clubs?




  1. IT ALL DEPENDS on your personal leaning.

  2. sorry is that the midlands in Ireland ?

  3. Erm, I'd have to say no. Wonderfully unique place, the West Midlands, nicest people you'll ever meet...but not so much with the political debating...try westminster for that.

  4. do a google search

  5. no the West Mids are full of crappy places filled with crappy people. Try going to the north. Not too sure if theres much good up there either but at least you'll be far away from us super smashing great southerners!


  6. There are 54 debate/ politicial, 1 being my favourite, which is the spellar. where people flock from around the country to engage in politicial debates.

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