
In the age of internet banking and the ease of credit/debit cards transacting.....?

by  |  earlier

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do you still ever write out cheques and when last did you use your cheque book?




  1. Also never owned a cheque book , but i just wrote 3 cheques a few minutes ago - company cheque -  , its end of the month , doing some payments...

  2. Cheques? Did that not die out with disco and roller skates?

  3. I don't have a cheque book

  4. h**l don't even know where my cheque book is... Thanks must have a look for it....

    I havent written a cheque for about 2 years now - the only time I use it is for VERY LARGE purchases - where my Internet Banking Limit (R60k) is not enough - the last cheque was for a deposit on a piece of property!!!

  5. Never had one. Luckily when I came into wanting to transact that way the new age debit/credit cards and internet banking already existed

  6. never owned a cheque book before... know though how a cheque looks like. Dont really trust cheques anyway...

  7. No cheques, last time I used a cheque was when I bought my first house in 1999 and I post dated it as I had a feeling that the developer was going to s***w me around, If he did - I would have cancelled it. It worked - he delivered on his promise for the first time ever. I think that is about the only benefit that you can get from writting cheques - Kind of use it as a carrot dangling in front of the donkeys nose.

  8. Bull I am a bit doff as you know, I keep on typing in the wrong pass word for the internet banking and then everything freezes up.....Then I have to go to the Bank to reset the password. My husband gets so irretated with me. I just cannot remember all the stupid passwords and I still write out cheques, a lot of the time.

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