
In the aibus or on any commercial aircraft how do the pilots know what trim to set before takeoff?

by  |  earlier

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for programming the mcdu in the airbus you need to select a flap and trim setting and then enter that into the mcdu.

However how does the pilot work out what trim setting to select?




  1. They have to calculate it, according to weight etc.

  2. The required weight and balance calculations for every flight will include a trim setting.

    Dispatch, load planning, Ops, or someone that the airline has designated will give the pilots their final numbers. Wt. and balance, including the trim and bug speeds, will be included in those numbers.

  3. I'd imagine it is based on the calculated performance for the day, i.e. density altitude, wind, etc.

  4. Hi mate, me again, Wayne, you remember

    It depends on the wind and what the height of the runway it is.

    They have a trim nob which you use your fingers with to set the trim to take off, some aircraft have a mark which indicates the take off trim.

    hope helped

  5. Trim settings are calculated from the load sheet which are required to balance the aircraft and to keep the aircraft within the weight limits, passeger number and seating arrangements being the most important.

    The load sheet for an A320 would look something like this, although many of the calculations are often made and entered into the MCDU, but I can't determine whether this would be the case.

    Passenger, fuel and cargo indexes are then calulated and corrected and are then plotted in the trim chart, making sure that they stay within the envelope at TOW.

    Landing weight is also calculated and checked and varified for balance.

    This will then give a value for the CG at takeoff and below the sheet you will find the CG range to calculate trim setting for Takeoff.

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