
In the airbus what are the packs/ bumps?

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Being trying tofind this for ages but still no answer




  1. There are the air conditioning packs, (pack just being a shortened term for 'package').  I don't know what a bump is but it sounds unpleasant.


    Packs off, PUMPS off.

    Hydraulic pumps, fuel pumps, etc.

  2. PACK  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚‰Â¡  Pneumatic Air Conditioning Kit.

  3. do you mean what are the bumps when flying?

    thats probably turbulence

    when the plane bounces around a bit

  4. Please elaborate...

  5. i know packs are air conditioning.

  6. You mean packs off, it is done during engine start the APU pneumatics will supply the engine initial rotation but since the air con packs is being used,  the engine might be hard to start because of low air. so the pilot switches off the air con packs. It is part of their Pre-Engine start checklist as your right.

    By the way with Airbus even if you forget to switch off the packs it closes automatically as you start the engine.

    The Bumps maybe pumps but in aircraft airworthiness we really do not assume. So be sure what this bumps is?

  7. I fly an Airbus 320 and our before takeoff checklist says this, among other things:


    I have no idea what a bump is, but you would never takeoff with the fuel pumps off.

    Now in regards to the pressurization system a bump is when you advance the power and the cabin pressurizes faster than normal, typically this happened on older aircraft like 727 or DC-9's.

  8. Packs off Pumps on.

    this is a reference to checklists items that require the air conditioning packs to be off.  This is done because the very same air that is used for A/C is used to start the engines.  Leaving the packs on would result in a bad start.  Pumps on simply means that the electrically driven boost pumps are on.  This is done to supply fuel pressure to the engine.  In most turbine engines, fuel pressure is zero unless the engine itself is turning.  They run off of something called "motive flow" and produce no fuel pressure unless they are running.  Because of that additional fuel pumps need to be running prior to engine start in order to supply fuel to the engines.

  9. If the aircraft is an older A320 with V2500 engines there is an explanation unique to that type/equipped aircraft.

    As explained before, the 'packs' are air conditioning units. Thrust 'bumps' is a method of 'overdriving' the engines with a heavy load on a hot day.

    In the V2500 manual, after a certain number of thrust 'bumps', the engine discs decrease the amount of life left in them exponentially (instead of a 1:1 cycle ratio).

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