
In the airforce do u get to choose whatever helicopter u want to fly?

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i am going to the airforce to fly helicopters and i want to fly a blackhawk helicopter, so can u choose




  1. No.

  2. Until you have about 8 years minimum in, you'll always be assigned to the opposite of anything you want...

    Thats the way they operate... they'll tell you that you get to select what you want, but thats bullschitt...after you get some rank it gets better, but you don't get to choose anything...

  3. The short answer is: No.

    The long answer: You fly, or don't fly, whatever the Air Farce thinks you should.  You can certainly ask or apply for a certain option, and you can improve your chances in various ways, but there are never any guarantees.

    The sideways answer: The Air Farce doesn't fly Blackhawks; the Army does.  But the same guidelines apply.  Good luck!

  4. First off the U.S. Air Force does not use helicopters.  

    The helicopters are used by the U.S. Army and Coast Guard.  Also, you don't get to "Choose" anything in the military.  If, you pass flight training you can fly aircraft, but you will be so busy, forget having a family.  I should know, I 'm retired from the U.S. Air Force.  Most stressful job I ever had in my life!!!!!!!!

  5. Aeroflop is looking for some crashtest dummies!!!!!!

  6. We also fly HH-60's, so go ahead and pursue it.

    Oops, I got a thumbs down. I guess the USAF doesn't have H60's at Moody AFB, where I work. I swore they were down there this morning, but h**l, I guess I was wrong.

    OR, it was someone who resides on the left side of the bell curve...

  7. No - you QUALIFY to fly different helicopter.


    If you want to fly (any military aircraft) you have to become a officer (officer's school / officer's college).  If the recruiter told you that you will be pilot, they are lying.  Officers are "commissioned" not recruited.

    To get a commission, you have to get one of the US congressmen to recommend (commission) you.

    Good luck...

  8. oh yes you tell them what you want to do and they will fix you right up im sure..

  9. To those that say the Air Force doesn't fly helo's I gotta remind of the MH-53 Pave Low helicopter and   the 20th Special Operations Squadron at Hurlburt Field, Fla.

  10. If you want to fly a black hawk, then you should choose the Army.  I'm not even sure if the Air Force uses black hawks.  Most equipment is specific to certain branches.

    You do not have to go in as an officer in the Army.  Most helicopter pilots go through WOFT.  Warrant Officer Flight Training.  You are no longer enlisted and not a commissioned officer.  My man was stationed at Ft. Campbell, KY and that is the program they went through.  There is also the "Green to Gold" program in which an enlisted person can become an officer.

  11. The USAF doesn't fly blackhawks.  We do have helo's though - MH-53's and Huey's to name a couple.

    After you finish the first stage of training, you fill out your "dream" sheet.  You choose whether you want to go fighters, heavies or helos.  The instructor's huddle and take you requests into consideration, but also your flying abilities and then you get tracked and go fly stage two.

    Once you finish stage two, they have "drop night."  That's where the needs of the Air Force part comes in.  Based on future and current needs, the list and number of each aircraft are sent out.  Then, based on your performance and class ranking you start picking.

    So, if you go to the Helo track and there are 3 Huey's, 2 MH-53's, etc. and you are number 2 in the class then you would be guaranteed an MH-53 if that's what you want.

  12. No, you list your airframes in order of preference (currently only 60s, Hueys, and Ospreys) and then they work down your class rank and the drop for your class.  My class didn't have any pavehawks, only huey and osprey, but the Air Force will be expanding its' CSAR and Special Operations.....leading to more options soon.  

    Yeah, it seems there are some people on here that have no desire to see you get factual information.  Sorry, but thumbs down from people that don't fly choppers or know anything about them doesn't really mean very much.  Thanks for your 'input'

  13. maybe, BUT needs of the service come first. I don't think the USAF has Blackhawks but maybe somewhere down the line they may get them.

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