
In the army how often do you get leave/ vacation?

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If you are stationed in the United States.




  1. You get 30 days a year and weekends and holidays count.

  2. At my first duty station in Germany, we had a choice to take leave in the winter time (a time frame was in place) or in the summer. Under special circumstances, you could take leave at another time in the year. We usually took the full 30 days (due to cost of travel and 16 hours to fly home)

    When I was stationed state side, it was up to our unit commander when we took leave.

    I would assume that it's pretty much up to that base or unit when leave time tables are...

  3. If you are stationed in the United States you can spread out your leave.  Many people tack on a day or two to a federal holiday to get 4 day week-ends.  Or they take a week here and there.  You put in a request for the leave and its either approved or not depending upon how many others have put in for leave at the same time.  Or it can be denied if there is a pressing need to be fully staffed.

    At two months you would not have earned enough hours to take 4 days off.

  4. Thirty days a year.

  5. it depends if your deployed or not. if your at an airbase in the US. like your not stationed in germany or whatever then its 30 days leave a year. if your like in iraq then it can very from 8-9 months.  

  6. 30 days per year.  You can save up to 60 days before you have to use them.  You can use up to 30 days at once, pending approval from your commander.  There are certain times where you cannot use your leave, such as training exercises and deployments.  All leave is required to be approved through your chain of command.

    You accumulate 2.5 leave days per month, so at 4 months in you will have accumulated 10 leave days.  However, you cannot use leave days during basic or AIT (tech school).

  7. It depends

    If you are in a unit that is training to go to war, you will have 'Block Leave,' which is a certain time that you get to take leave that fits in with the training schedule.  Think 'summer vacation' and 'winter vacation.'  You will typically get block leave around Christmas time, before a deployment, and after returning from a deployment.  While deployed, you will also get 2 weeks of R&R leave.

    If you are in a unit that is constantly doing its mission, like a hospital, or a garrison MP, then you take leave when you want, as long as it fits with the schedule of everyone else taking leave; not so different from any civilian job.

    Either way, you have to submit a request in writing, on a DA Form 31.  Different units have different standards about how far in advance you need to turn the request in, typically about a month.

    You earn leave at a rate of 2.5 days per month, which means that by the time you finish training, you should have at least 8-10 days of leave saved up.

    In certain circumstances you can actually take more leave than you have saved up, such as mid-tour leave from Korea.  If you go to Korea, you can take up to 30 days leave during the middle of your year there.  If you don't have that much leave, your commander can authorize advance leave, and you go 'in the hole,' until you earn the leave back.

    In addition to leave, you may also get travel days to move from post to post; these go on your leave form, but are not charged.

    Federal holidays that turn into three and four-day weekends are not charged either.

  8. For every month that you are in, you accumulate 2 days of leave. That's what a recruiter had told me. After a year, you get thirty days. You are off for federal holidays though and they do not count against you.

    however, if you are deployed to the desert, you do not get to take leave at all during that time. You can only come back home if it's an emergency of some sort, like as in someone in the immediate family is on their death bed.

    After you accumulate leave, you are able to ask for time off and then when given to you, you can take it. It's use or lose though so if you accumulatee two years worth of leave, I think it's after that that they make you use it or lose it and you have to start over.

  9. When I was in you got an automatic 30 days per year of leave time.

    If you kissed your first seargeant's rear end, you could also get day or week-end "passes" that allowed you to leave your duty station.

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