
In the average marriage, what advantages and securities does marriage provide to the husband ?

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In the average marriage, what advantages and securities does marriage provide to the husband ?




  1. It seems more and more that it is just a threat to one's assets.

    But some men still do it. And maybe it is for the same reason's as women...I don't get it.

    I think social status is up there. They are probably insecure and need to be defined by others. They get to show off their wife and call somebody their wife and feel more important than if they were single.

    And they may want to have kids and believe (rightly) that getting married is a pre-requisite. Also it is the most legally binding way to ensure they will get laid regularly, although not really as the wife may may end up becoming frigid for whatever reason and he still won't get any.

  2. He gets a companion, someone to care for him, appreciate him, and love him.

    Edit: If the man is worried about his pre-marital assets, he could always get a prenup.

  3. More income, someone who cares about him (in a decent marriage), someone to share his life with, assets, basically everything a woman gets out of it if the marriage is worth a ****.

  4. It must be more than a women gets because men seem to be at loose ends after a marriage ends...they have no one to take care of them.

  5. somebody to know he's a child

  6. In the era of modern Feminism, it's only if a man is lucky enough to meet a reasonable woman does he even stand a chance at benefiting from the marriage, and it's entirely the product of modern Feminism and zealous attorneys who assist in advancing the disparity in what rights men have to their children and assets vs. women's.

  7. People get married for many different reasons but the biggest and sometimes least talked about reason is because we all need a witness to our lives.

    There are over 6 billion people on this planet. One life doesn't really mean much. However, man or woman, in a marriage you are promising to care about everything. The good things, bad things, mundane things, all the time, everyday. When you get married you are telling the other person "your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it."

    Forget the money. Forget the car. Forget the house in the surburbs with the picket fence, 2.5 kids and beagle running around the front yard. Being a witness to another life is the biggest reason people get married. It is the biggest advantage and security a person finds in a marriage.

    At the end of our lives we can go in peace because we can look back and realize that one person carries on our legacy and passes it to another.  

  8. Another source of income, companionship, children, love. Happiness.  

  9. You're annoying. A woman to control and a woman to do all the house work and produce an heir to the family name. Hopefully he's male, hopefully he's male.

  10. None.

    Meaning that they gain nothing that they didn't already have when they were simply together before marriage.  They only take on extreme risk to their assets and future livelihood if the marriage ever were to end.

    Though, you do get a slight tax break IF your wife is not also working.  If she is working, you may end up paying more if you file jointly.

  11. A glorified mommy. Someone to feed him and do his laundry and take care of the house.  Of course she also has to work as many hours as he does, but it's ok, she'll do ALL the work so he can relax.

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