
In the bible the world was made in seven days...?

by Guest65840  |  earlier

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In the Bible the world was made in seven days and god rested on the last day. What I always wondered is why do people go to church on sunday instead of saturday? Any ideas?




  1. Sunday originally was celebrated by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans as "the day of the sun." Christians transformed the day of the sun into a weekly celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God. Pope John Paul II reminds us of this when he says, "It is Easter which returns week by week."

    One New Testament account tells us that the Christians met to break bread "on the first day of the week" (Acts 20:7), which they called the "Lord's Day." For a time, it appears that Christians who were of Jewish origin marked both the Jewish Saturday and the Christian Sunday (maybe anticipating our own two-day weekend!).

    Sunday seems to have become the Christians' special day for two reasons. First, they wanted to distinguish themselves from the Jewish sabbath on Saturday. Second, Sunday was the day Jesus rose from the dead, so it was natural to celebrate the resurrection every week on the day when Jesus first came back to life.

    One early Christian writer, Justin Martyr, put the idea of the "sun's day" and the "Son's day" together: " the first day, on which God transforming darkness and matter made the universe, and Jesus Christ our Savior rose from the dead on the same day." Jesus, the Son of God, fills our lives with light, similar to the way the sun pushes back the darkness of night, which can symbolize sin.

    These ideas seem to go together neatly, but it was hard for Christians in the first few centuries of the Church to share the Eucharist on Sunday. For about three centuries, Christianity was an illegal religion in the Roman Empire. To be a Christian was to be a criminal.

    Until the 300s when Christianity was tolerated and then made the official religion of the Roman Empire, Christians had to work on Sunday. They probably attended the Eucharist early in the morning or late at night. In the city of Rome itself, they crowded in the catacombs underground to avoid being caught. (And we think we have a tough time getting to Mass!)

    In the year 321, the emperor Constantine, who was a follower of Christianity, declared that the "venerable day of the sun," Sunday, would be a day off for everyone. But it wasn't until the year 506 that a Church council laid down a rule that Christians had to attend Mass every Sunday.

  2. I don't know, I thought Sunday was the day of rest too.

  3. Saturday is the last day of the week, the day of rest. Many Christians do go to church on Saturday instead of Sunday because they like to think they earn more points by being staunch or something. Sat. is the correct day of rest but because of social trends and events in history it became common to meet on Sunday instead. Originally we were meant to work 6 days a week and get only one day off work... but we got lazy and wanted our 2 day weekends I guess. Isn't it true in Sweeden they get 3 day weekends all the time?

    God didn't rest because he needed rest, he rested to set a standard for his creation. He didn't want us to work and never rest. He knew his creation would need rest and he wanted them to have a day off. So he took a day off to show them how it worked.

  4. In the bible it said remeber the sabbath day and keep it holy. So that's y we go to church on sundays instead of saturdays. But being christains we are supposed to live everday right as Jesus walked the earth years ago.  

  5. It is a story that was told over 2000 years ago a lot can be lost in translation, I was always told the world was made in six days and on the Sabbathh god rested so the translation gets interpreted in lots of different ways

  6. somechurches have church on saturdays, most on sundays, but sunday is thought to be the last day of the week. the 7th day. monday would be the begining. and  sunday as the last. some people see sunday as the first, but i guess its how you look at it.

  7. actually the world was made in 6 days, and god rested on the last.  from what i understand, the last day was Saturday, which is why jews celebrate their Sabbath on Saturday.   it says something in the new testament about after jesus came the last day became the first, or something like that.  which is why christians go to church on sunday.  on the other hand, i think that in some other countries they consider monday as the first day of the week, making sunday the last.  

  8. I can't even get the house work done in 7 days.

  9. Have you ever heard of the Jews and Seven Day Adventist, both groups attend services on Saturday as their chosen holy day.

  10. According to the Holy Quran, God does not rest. Resting is for creatures only just like sleeping and eating, God does not need all of that.

    It's only a contribution from me, no offence

  11. In commemoration of the Resurrection.

    BTW, the world was also created in just one day. Genesis contains two separate creation stories. And some Christian churches do celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday.

  12. ...why go to church at all, the bible is all fiction...

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