
In the boost mobile commercial with the four rappers... who is the last one... white guy called that dude???

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In the boost mobile commercial with the four rappers... who is the last one... white guy called that dude???




  1. Hahahahahah this question is so funny because I sat there with my mouth open rewinding that ad over and over again (thank god for tivo) thinking, "Uhhhh.... who and WHAT the P***k is that?!"  It looks like a girl/guy.  Now, I have absolutely nothing against transgendered people or g**s or lesbians but that thing looked like Carrot Top if he were both genders and I was merely confused.  I just googled, "Who are the rappers in the Boost Mobile ad?" and this question was the first thing that came up.  So if you find out, please let me know!

  2. Mickey Avalon

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