
In the car my son who is 11 yrs old and has autism asked his dad "dad when you die can i get your mob phone"

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i was pmsl with the way he just came out with it, his dad is like 34 yrs old

has your kid ever said any thing like that to you




  1. Kids (autistic or not) have no idea what death is.  There is no problem with his asking this question.  He only wants to know if he can have the phone, and is NOT wishing his dad dead.  Don't worry about it, it is completely natural.

  2. You have a child with autism... by now you should know that they say and do the most random things and usually they learn it from somewhere and it's the mocking side of autism not the child speaking.  

    I have two autistic SIL's ages 11 and 12.  The younger one always says "I will kill you" and even has gone as far as tyring to choke while saying this.  It is her disease not her, and there is no reason to be upset with your son or try to change it because like all children with autism, it's the disease not them... patience is the only key to dealing with a child with autism!

  3. How wonderful that your autistic child can rationalise to that extent, albeit, as you know, tact and diplomacy does not come with autism!  My nephew has aspergers - on the autism continuoum - and comes out with some absolute crackers some time.  His obsession is skate boards, and he has already asked me if I have any money left over (from what i am not sure!), could I buy him a new skateboard because he has got bored with the blue one his mum bought for his birthday three weeks ago, and would like a red one!  Oh that life was so simple as that.  I do envy him some times.  The other that springs to mind is my own son, who was only five at the time, when the rabbit died and I spent the entire evening thinking how I was best going to let him down gently when I told him, only said: "Oh dear, well we'll just have to get a new one."!!!!!  I was so horrified that his reposnse appeared so unfeeling, until I learned that his age was the problem, not that I had bred a sociopath!!!  Don't they make us chuckle?  Not sure that answers your question, but I enjoyed sharing it with someone who would definitely understand.  Take care.

  4. the poster is not worried, PMSL is short for P*ss*ing my self laughing

    I told a friends kid that she should be lucky with what she got for Christmas, i said when i was her age  i was lucky if i got an apple and an orange, her eyes widened and she said "what, you got a mobile phone and a computer?"

  5. bless the little tiger .. lol

  6. Coming home from visiting a friend who had a new baby my daughter who was about 4 asked where she had got the baby from. My husband  jokingly said he was found under a head of cabbage. My daughter thought about this for a moment and then asked  her dad had his Mother found him in a bag of potatoes and tried to peel him, and that was why he is bald. Stupid I know but we were wetting ourselves laughing.

  7. Missy D - Autism is NOT a disease, but a condition or syndrome. My eldest daughter has dsypraxia and often says some things that most 'normal' kids wouldn't, she also has obsessions with various things. All seems normal to her though.

  8. My little brother says "strange things" all the time. He usualy says one word sentcen "Elepanit", "rainbow", "umbrella" and things like that.

    He says things like that all the time.

    He once said his dads new girlfriend "smell like fish" and some other funny things.

    In fact, I don't think a day goes by that he does not say "strange" things but they are fun and he is a fun kid. He sure does keep us on our toes.

    Autism is not a disease, that is true, but it is a neurological condition that makes non verbal and verbal communication as well as social interaction and sensory issues very difficult.

  9. My son told his Grandfather that he wanted his car when he died. My father is still alive and kicking, but my son got his car when he passed his test for his cheek

  10. Yes, my 6 year old daughter said to her grandad when you explode because of tummy can I have the dog please.

  11. yes my god-daughter has ive made a will out she gets everything, shes 16 this year.

  12. Suzy, I know what you mean.

    Is this your own son or a step son?

    I ask because, well.. you should know by now, as his mother, that an autistic child has an impulsive mouth.

    I think it was the shock of it that is upsetting you, that death was brought into the subject.

    My fiances son is 14 and autistic and he always says the wrong things.

    I know that their brains are just wired differently than ours so we try to be more understanding and try to explain to him that the way he sometimes asks or says things is not acceptable and then try to teach him a better way.

    Best of luck to you

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