
In the case of complete societal breakdown, how prepared would you be?

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Do you have a survival plan, protection, a safe haven?




  1. No I don't have a survival plan. There are some people who are ready.

  2. There are a few extremists out there who build underground bunkers and hoard tons of canned food and such.It is a dangerous world these days, yet most people don't really worry about it to such an extreme. Me, I keep some extra cash on hand and have quick accessibility to other cash if needed. I don't hoard food, but I figure I've got enough for a few weeks and keep some extra bottled around the house in case the water supply is threatened. Other than that, I just pray for a world of peace.

  3. my plan would be to mobilize my neverending hordes of mughal warriors for i am their sole leader!

    What? its a hypothetical so i made more to it!

  4. Canada is in the process of complete societal breakdown, so I figure make money and live for yourself, your family and art.

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