
In the discovery of seeing, sensing now-moment-continuum out there taking place as blind brain activity ?

by  |  earlier

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The human brain infected and dis-eased by the evolution of space-time language as psychophysical sensation is lived by out there, ripples of electromagnetic activity outside the physical organism, to effect psychovisual sensation as mind-of-the-out-there looking/seeing. In the discovery of seeing, sensing now-moment-continuum out there taking place inside brain as blind activity it's discovered out there is silent (even if there is noise from physical activity).




  1. As the human body develops from birth...yes.

  2. Wow.  Just wow.  Bet you've got a bad case of the munchies about now, huh?

  3. Unusual question,the electricity inside out body counteracts the electromagnetasism that could effect our physiological sensations,so this question is arbitrery.

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