
In the end, we all get what we deserve. Do you agree?

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look at now. look at the future and then look as far back in the past as you can. think of the big picture and then of the tiniest of pictures. See victims and martyrs. consequence and inconsequence. it all clicks together




  1. If that's the case, Robert Mugabe must be worried....

  2. Not really.

    We all die in the end, regardless of how good we are - and the promise of eternal bliss was made up by human beings to make themselves feel better about it.

    In the meantime, some of the worst people, who deserve nothing, get all the goods.

  3. well i hope so but not b4 im too old cos i deserve a room full of beautiful women to pamper my every need

  4. Sometimes we get it before the end

  5. No, ask JOB and not as in work job.

  6. No I deserve a lottery win and haven't got it yet.

  7. In general, this is true, maybe for 95% of folks.

  8. No, I don't.  My Grandmother, who was a remedial math and reading teacher at an inner city school was one of the kindest people in the world.  Not even making enough money to buy a car, she took public transportation to work every day for her students.

    She died a terrible painful death from colon cancer that spread to her stomach and into her bones.  No one deserves that, especially not her.

  9. Pretty much.

  10. I know One thing, you deserve a good kick in the bollocks!

  11. To quote the wise Stones of Rolling:

    "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you might find, you get what you need."

  12. Yes, if you think in terms that God is going to judge us as a nation, and He certainly will, as well as individually. What goes around comes around. There is no way of escaping it.

  13. No - I think some people get dealt hands in life that are really hard, but in the same respect, they must be able to cope with it or learn from the experience.

    If we all got what we deserve then everyone would be happy -nice thought

  14. you know I think your right

  15. Get back to the nut house. Do they know you have escaped?

  16. So the Madeleine McCann's of this world deserve to get the kind of parents that she did?

    And what did Jamie Bulger ever do to deserve what he got he?

    So no, i don't agree.

  17. I would agree with you on that, I believe you reap what sow. good question have a star

  18. It can be true, depending your believe God or not.

      If you believe God and did something very bad, you would automaticaly relise what you deserved and thinks you must get the punishments.

      If you dont believe in God, you might keep the secert until you die and no people will know you are the one who did it so you wont get any punishments.

       But for those good, kind people that dont believe God, they might still spill the secret and get rewarded for telling the truth bravely.The next day, you will change your behaviours.

  19. Yep.  You're absolutely correct.  We all certainly get what we deserve.

  20. No, I most certainly do NOT.

    John F. Kennedy certainly did NOT "deserve" to have the top of his head blown off.

    Gandhi certainly did NOT "deserve" to be shot down by an insane man.

    Martin Luther King, JR. certainly did NOT deserve to be assassinated.


    I'm not quite sure where this ridiculous homily got started, but it simply isn't true. Look at Paris Hilton, for God's sake.


    You say "Paris Hilton will most certainly get what she deserves?"

    How the h**l do you know? You DON'T. And I'm using her as an example of how a person can get EVERYTHING and not ever have done one thing to DESERVE it. By the same token, people do the right thing every day and work like a DOG their whole lives, and NEVER get what they "deserve."

    The saying is bull. Just makes weak people feel better.

  21. No I don't agree. No one knows what happens when you die. You need punishment in this life time because that is all we know. If went with the mantra "everyone gets what they deserve in the end." Then why should we prosecute murders and rapists. Lots of corrupt people never go punished. Do you like Castro? Is he getting what he deserves? No. And we have no proof that when he is dead that he got it in the end like he deserved.

  22. Sadly I have to disagree I think some escape the judgement the deserve.  Leaders like Mugabe, Mladic and Karadicz will make it to a ripe old age.  In fact UBL and Zawahiri will probably evade capture and justice.  So no bags of bad people get away with murder (literally).

  23. No. Do you think 4000 Americans should die in Iraq? All of them Deserved to die like this? All of them are sinners? Or Good solders - bad Humans - to obey blindly  the dirty and selfish politicians?

    This is only an example. Modern days are ruled by MAFIAS and their leaders.

    Idi-Amin, Charles Tailer(Liberia), are one of the people who are considered as butchers of humanity but They lived Like kings under the umbrellas of other nations funded and assisted by Western World.

    Do you think they deserved such kind of lifestyle after all killings and maimimg  they have committed to their own people?

    No my friend- No philosophy to discribe the sufferings of innocent and poor people of our world.

  24. Not unless there is a Heaven and h**l

  25. oooohhh yea i totaling agree.

  26. Only if we EARN it, HONESTLY- will we all get what we deserve.  Otherwise, what we will get and deserve will be something we may not want.

  27. Yes definitely

  28. yes i do

  29. If you mean the afterlife no way.  I will definitely not deserve to be in heaven.

    If you mean politics then yes.  Except not in the case of JFK.  We deserved to have him live in not go to Vietnam.

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