you know how they say youre too young to have s*x? if god gave us active reproductive systems at the age of 13 that means were not too young to have s*x. they say were not allowed to have s*x till were at least 18 i think this underminds the authority of god because apparently god wants us to reproduce at the age of 13. also age shouldnt matter because time itself is irrelevant, its not real. all time is, is a man made thing to show how long the earth and us have been around other than that its useless and not real. we dont get weak and wrinkly because were 50 years old we get that way because the cellular structure in our bodies weakens and the cells cant reproduce as fast as there dyeing, this is the only reason we die, its not because weve lived for so many years. if you have any opinions or statements of what i just said please feel free to put them.