
In the eyes of a 14 year old...?

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you know how they say youre too young to have s*x? if god gave us active reproductive systems at the age of 13 that means were not too young to have s*x. they say were not allowed to have s*x till were at least 18 i think this underminds the authority of god because apparently god wants us to reproduce at the age of 13. also age shouldnt matter because time itself is irrelevant, its not real. all time is, is a man made thing to show how long the earth and us have been around other than that its useless and not real. we dont get weak and wrinkly because were 50 years old we get that way because the cellular structure in our bodies weakens and the cells cant reproduce as fast as there dyeing, this is the only reason we die, its not because weve lived for so many years. if you have any opinions or statements of what i just said please feel free to put them.




  1. I agree when you say that it doesn't make sense that fi your body is able to reproduce why shouldn't you. But you have to think that even though your body is able to make those decisions at 13 years old your brain is not fully developed to help you think through the act of having children at that young age. It is tough to make an argument that having a child at 13 is easier on someone that at 22 from a social standpoint. At 13 you SHOULD still be in school and hanging with friends, not spending all your time being a good parent.

    Also, your body devlops more as you go through your teen years and prepares itself for the act of bearing a child, if you look at health statistics I am sure you will find that women having children at 18 have much healtier babies than girls at 13

    So I would have to say that from a biological standpoint 13 is an "acceptable" age to have children, but isnt necesarily the best choice...

  2. God also says that no s*x until Marriage. and just because God put those things in you at babies doesnt mean you need to use them then. whats the point of waiting to put them in when you are an adult?

  3. You need to be mentally mature enough to handle the responsibility.

  4. us teenagers are to young to have s*x, i'm 15 and am not planing on having s*x, i'm not even ready to have children at this age. i'm waiting untill i get married because by then i will be ready to have s*x and children.

  5. just one sentance every yhing god said it is logical ,first u think

  6. well, im 14 too and no God didn't mean for u to have s*x at 13. read ur Bible. s*x is to be between one man and one woman AFTER MARRIAGE.

    p.s. you should capitilize God's name.


  7. I'll leave aside what god wants as that is not within the knowledge of anyone who uses this board (not with any degree of certainty in any case).

    Physical maturity is not the only measure society uses - one should also consider emotional and mental maturity. Just because one can do something does not mean that it should be OK for them to do that thing. A five year old could smoke tobacco, but society imposes rules to prevent this. Would an 11 year old be trusted to own a gun? No, because there would be doubts about their level of responsibility - not because they couldn't pull the trigger.

    The act of s*x is not the end of things to consider here; venereal diseases and unwanted pregnancies are the obvious potential problems. Would a 13 year old be mature enough to cope with these issues?

  8. Honestly, I am 18 years old. Trust me when I say that you should wait. If you met a person that you wanted to be with for the rest of your life but found out that they had s*x with many people before you, wouldn't you feel less attracted to them? I'm not a crazy catholic innocent straight-edge person either.  I've had my fair share of games. Just don't do anything you'll regret.

  9. People once lived to be only 30ish. During those days it was necessary for the females to reproduce at a much ealier time in order for the human race to continue. People have began to have longer life expectancies and have started becoming mature mentally at an older age. During the days of our great grandparents ,girls married at 12 and 13. Today girls want to just go around having s*x with many many partners and that is detremental to the human race. The divorce rate is astronomical and STD's have become deadly. At one point in history people would find a mate and stay with that one mate throughout life. Since the odds of any person having only one sexual partner for their entire life is so small and our life expectancy is so long, what is your hurry? You have the luxury of getting to remain a child for many more years than your ancestors did. You have the luxury of getting an education that your female ancestors did not have. You have the luxury of choosing when and whom you marry that still many women (or girls) don't have. Don't throw away the gifts that you have been given. You have one gift that is yours to give once to one person. Save it until you are sure that you are mentally mature enough to choose a very special person that deserves that gift, one that will treasure the gift. Please cherish what has been given to you and only give it to one that will treasure YOU. Just because your body is old enough does not mean that it is ready. Let your fruit ripen and it will be much sweeter. It is not going to rot unless you let someone  bruise and abuse it.

  10. There is a saying that either God is not omnipotent, or he is not benevolent. Why does he create imperfect things, which suffer in the environment he created for us. Why did he allow sin to happen, if he was all-mighty he could have destroyed sin itself. Then again he is the creator of all things, and sin must be one of the things he created. Illogical? Because so is the believe that God will take care of everything is illogical too.

    Our bodies allow us to make half clones of ourselves when we are this young. But our minds have also grown to become smarter can feel more emotions. God's guidelines on a happy family is to only have s*x after marriage. It is biologically better though, to have s*x when you can, but socially and morally incorrect for the people of our time.

    There are many flaws and illogical parts of our belief in God. But God is all-mighty. God gave children to those young and unready to parent. But God is benevolent. God made a place for his "children", to live and pray, to disobey and suffer, to be able to harbor thoughts that oppose the belief of him, yet to punish those who harbor these thoughts. But God is the creator. And we are all his creation.

  11. I feel, at 50, that I'm not weak and wrinkly and, as a biologist, that you do not (understandably at 14) understand the biology of aging or the reality of time, which you will learn about in physics should you take it.

    As for s*x, yes, we evolved the way we evolved to survive under conditions of being hunter-gatherers in Africa, where the first humans originated.   This involved being able to have a baby at your age and to live another 14 years to raise your baby to be old enough to reproduce, with the help of other humans.  Our bodies did not really evolve to last beyond 30.

    Evolution being an EXTREMELY slow process, we humans are all stuck with urges that do not fit well in modern society.  We evolved as warring tribes, and now still have these impulses to define and attack the "other" that lead to war and prejudice that have no place in the modern world but that are wired into our brains.   We evolved with a desperate need to reproduce by your age or our DNA would die out, yet reproducing at your age would be disastrous in modern society.  My 17-year old, my 19-year old, can't take care of themselves, much less babies - and if you think s*x is OK at 13, you'd better think babies are OK - children in their early teens basically fail to use contraception when it's available, for whatever reason.  They say they will, but they don't.

    It was different, millions of years ago, to be 13 or 14 and have to nurse the baby, hide from the predators, and let the father go gather fruit.  In a world where you have to make enough money to pay rent or save money for a house or car, or for your kid's college education and your retirement, get educated enough to do something useful with your life, and where parenting involves a lot more than hanging around a safe spot in the jungle playing - no one is ready at 14.  Personally, I wasn't ready at 24.

    Whether you think we were created by God, evolved in a Godless universe, or were created by God through the process of evolution - s*x comes with a lot of responsibility that you aren't ready for.

  12. actually,  you are quite right. People in the old days used to die at a very young age, that it was common to have children when you were under 18.  Now though, people see it as wrong to do that, because ever since you were little you were told that 18 is the age you are an adult. Because of that, people think that everything should revolve around that age....

  13. No, God didn't give you reproductive organs at thirteen so you could have s*x in the bible anyway God says you shouldn't have s*x before you are married. The main reason society don't think people your age should have s*x is mentally you are not ready you can say you are all you want to but the fact still remains you are not.Before you say what God wants you need to read his bible to actually see what he wants. if you are thirteen there is a lot you have to learn in life.

  14. The reason for people saying that under 18s are too young isn't from a biological readiness point of view, it is the fact that s*x always carries the risk of pregnancy, so from society's and scientists views of the matter is that under 18s are not mature enough to undertake the responsibility of having a child as they themselves are counted as children and cause great psychological stress on those involved. This is why the government takes it upon themselves to "protect" you from the stress and effectiveley make you a "model Citiizen" by making the age of consent around their belief of adulthood and maturity. However, in some countries in South America, the age of consent ranges from 14-16.

  15. Wow, I married such a smart, articulate guy.  You should totally listen to Zeep.

  16. The only reason that adolescents are capable of reproduction at age 13 is because of better nutrition nowadays. Historically, women didn't become fertile until much later in their teens.

    Also - it is perfectly possible for a brother and sister to have s*x and produce a baby. Does that mean that God intends for siblings to have children together?

    Just because something is *possible* does not mean it is *adviseable*.

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