
In the future, is it possible that all labor forces exchanged by technologies?

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in the future, is it possible that all labor forces exchanged, for example, by robot?




  1. There will always be things robots can't do.

    You could've asked this same question 500 years ago and you would see that indeed machines and capital have exchanged most of the jobs labor did back then. All this have done is given us humans more time to do other jobs such as entertaining and pleasing each other. "Cutting each others hair" is an expression for the kinds of jobs we have now.

    Imagine if robots could do all most everything cheaper and better than us, new markets would just open or old ones expand in the fields where robots arent better than us. Such as sports, music, movies, s*x, love.

    Isnt it more interesting to see two humans playing chess against each other than two computers? Even if the computers are better?

    Thanks for the interesting question by the way. :)

    Edit: Oh I see I didn't actually answer your question.

    If it's possible is a question of technology more than economics. Economically markets surely allow machinery and robots to substitute labor force, as you can see by the industrialization and the past 100 years.

  2. We will rely on robots to produce all of our goods because in the future cheap slave longer will no longer exist. They will need people to do diagnostics's of the facility but that's it. They will sort are produce make our clothes drive forklifts stack boxes and even make automatic decisions on the fly related to higher reasoning such as problem solving and understanding and adapting to the situation at hand.

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